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my Sign Planning Guide, from "TheSignExpert.Com"


Certified Enneadecagon Designer
This is the stuff that excites me.... here is the very rough concept of the Capabilities brochure that was approved. This is the text heavy portions, but will have a substantial portfolio section. This is for 150K+ type of client.

About what I charge... hmmmm. I figure I have 1000 hours in my current project to go and I still have my other jobs. But I'm always happy to lend a hand.


  • CAPABIL.jpg
    65.2 KB · Views: 192


New Member
Open mic? What do you play Doyle?
I just played drums Sunday with a different bunch of guys & had one of the best jams in years!!

I always liked open mic for the thrill of risking public humiliation just for a shot at public adulation!

I play a few instruments, guitar is my forte, can sing a little too. I have been in a multitude of bands, currently in a hard rock band.

I went to open mic night at a really cool little theater last night, just happens to be in my back yard, about 50 yds. out my door. Apparently they have had open mic for about a year now and I didn't even know it. The theater really is one of the coolest venues I have ever been in. It is actually inside a 100+ yr old factory, have a look:


New Member
thanks guys...

I'm wondering about the postcard idea now... maybe I should give it it's own thread, but so far, I guess the lack of response may actually be a message too...

somehow I want a card that stops people in their tracks, and makes them look at it before throwing it away.

I will only be sending it to 1000 people in my existing client database, so they (or someone in their office, at some time in the last 10 years) sort of know who I am already, but I want to entice them to consider having a look at my website.

I was going to have a large ocean waves background with the logo... almost a art piece (in my less than humble mind)... but then I thought of all the marketing words I've heard about identifying the readers problem, & then showing how I can make it go away...

...and I thought "looking for a good sign" was a nice double entendre of sorts... but compared to the guide, I've spent almost no time on it.. so I need to get serious about that now. Any ideas?


Just Me
The postcard really doesn't grab me Doug... for a couple of reasons...

the down arrow immediately gives a negative feel to the piece (IMHO)... and just the cover of your sign buyer's guide isn't enough to make me want to see more. I think possibly an inside page of the guide would work better.

Just seems very ho-hum... especially after seeing your guide... and I'd probably toss it without a second thought...



New Member
I have done postcard campaigns in the past and the return was very small.
I went with a trifold brochure this past spring. I walked the Main St of all the "large" towns around here and handed it and a business card to each business. None of these excursions took more than a couple hours and the return was the best I have seen in any of my campaigns.


New Member
Very well done! I think an individual can tweak any effort to the point of distraction and everyone in the "biz" has individual tastes but my overall impression is one of complete professionalism...:notworthy::notworthy:



New Member
Really impressive work.

One small suggestion, on the banner page.

You have:
Red lettering on white.

How about:
One color text on white.

Don't want them to think you only make red & white banners:wink:


New Member
I love the graphic of the arrow, but I also agree w/ bigdawg that it does have a negative feel. What bothers me more is that you are posing two different questions.

If you are going to ask "Sales Down?" then I think you need to offer a solution like "What your business needs is...a Good Sign!" Please Download our free Sign Planning Guide at islandsign.com to see all of our exciting advertising possibilities that is sure to boost sales in any business!


Nice Doug!

I think a nice brochure would do well! Postcards seem like a good idea but i think it will get classified at junk mail IMO.

I'm thinking of doing a smaller version of the guide but in a brochure.....oooo, ahhhh eeeee ideas are flowing!


New Member
Ya' know what might look neat, the arrow plummeting into the ocean horizon of your webpage and then shooting back out in into the sky. just a thought =)

I would suggest a brochure as well, but I think the postcards would be a great way to get customers to your website, which is what I think you are tring to accomplish.


New Member
First, I want to say I am thrilled to have sparked a bit of a discussion, because as we all know, some posts just fade away quickly, & this is something I have been busy with for a while, so I am enjoying the feedback, to help keep my ideas flowing too...

As far as my objectives, I should outline them even more clearly.

I want to become a better marketer, & in the past 13 years I haven't had to do anything (or so I thought) except show up, answer the phone, & treat my clients well.

One of the many important things I didn't do during those 13 years was build a database, so this year I have compiled the mailing address & phone numbers for around 1000 customers who have done business with me.

Some of my objectives I wish to address are the lack of email addy's in my database, & the fact that I've never made "follow up" communications a part of my marketing strategy. I also want to capitalize on my website investment by driving more traffic to the site.

My specific goal with a postcard is to have an Island Sign logo be noticed by a good percentage of my past customers, and my web address be available at that moment, & something of value being offered free, from that website.

For those few who may go to download the guide from the postcard, they will need to provide an email address to get the guide.

For those who didn't notice, read, or respond to the postcard, I plan to launch a massive (anywhere near 1000 calls is "massive" to me) telemarketing spree to contact almost every past client I have contact info for, & mention my hope that they received the postcard & then mention the NEW website, the new FREE guide, and my desire to update their contact info in my database, to keep them posted regarding the special promotional offers in "the guide"

...so, that is the plan so far, and of course if I do gather some email addy's, the plan going forward would be to get more involved with regular updates of my blog, & to do an e-newsletter some day, as a spin-off of the blog.


New Member
All great ideas, I have been wanting to do the same thing. Another idea to consider if you get a fair amount of internet traffic is to encourage past customers to write a review of your business on google (for your business listing). When someone searches for your business on google, or finds you in a search, they will see your ratings and reviews.


Doug, I have also wanted to do a DB of customer emails and such for follow up direct marketing materials.

I use QB for invoicing but usually put the address and first and last name only.

What has worked well to organize your DB?


New Member
Scarface, I think you already have what you need to organize your DB with QB, you just need to utilize it more. I use "Estimate" for my invoicing and I have always trined to put in as much info on a customer as I can (#'s, email, web, contact, address..).

I am working on producing a work order form for the shop that will have an area to write all this info down so I don't forget to ask or misplace. Isigns link to theSignExpert has a couple of good forms to purchase for this very concept as well as a site survey form, which I think is a great idea.


New Member
Doug just gave every one a road map to a great marketing plan. Its got several points working together to create action. Its not just a post card run.

Post cards work great. But you have to do them more than once. Its called the drip method. The headline is the money line. The headline gets them beyond the junk mail phase.
Doug is using the postcard to generate lead offs to the website and the FREE gift is the gold touch. That will greatly increase the chance of money calls. Doug should get a good return.

And finally.

Believe it or not. MS Publisher has a good utility for printing post cards that will also print the address at the same time. Just have to add in an address block and attach that to the mail list.


New Member
Thanks for responding Curtis.
I value your marketing expertise & wondered what you would think of this approach.

I've heard you mention 7 pillars & I'm not sure what that means, so if you have any advice to make my plans even more complete, don't hesitate to critique or expound on the plan so far.

I do see that you've acknowledged the benefit in a tie in between web, postcard, free offer, & the phone calls I plan to make...

...which will build an email list, to market to with a newsletter... built off blog posts, which will be mentioned (& linked to) in social networking sites... and all of the above will communicate the quarterly "Exclusive Promotional Offers" (that will be updated each quarter in the free download version of the "Sign Planning Guide")

...and I will do some new vehicle graphics on my truck, to reinforce this same campaign, as well as a poster or banner stand in the showroom.

Hopefully I will see some results, because lord knows I could use a sales spike right about now!


New Member
as far as the postcard, you could have a beam of light shining down on someone with the words "looking for a sign?" at the bottom. put a small blurb on the back about you and add a 10% off a multi-sign job or something, and you'll get the 5% return most postcard campaigns are expected to, or more.

you know, unless you object to the "religious undertones" :)

quick, clever, get them in your door. thats ALL an ad should do. after that, its up to you and your work to make them give you their money.
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