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National Companies Subbing out Installs... Your rules?


Very Active Signmaker
What are your practices in dealing with "National" companies that want to use you to sub out an install? Many want me to do installs and have terms like Net30 or even Net60. I've never been stiffed but sometimes they are a pain in the rear end to get payment from. I haven't had one of them end up being a major repeat customer.

Recently I have required full payment upfront on small orders less then $500 and 50% down on larger ones. There are a few I have history with and accept their Net30 because I know I won't have to chase them down for $$.

What are your policy or practice in dealing with them?


New Member
I play by their terms. If they require NET30 or NET45, not an issue at all. An average job from these companies is $3,000 - $5,000 so I don't turn it down due to length of payment.


Premium Subscriber
Payment in advance..... in full.

Those that say they can't do it, I just say, that's Okay..... good-bye. The ones willing to negotiate or whatever, I consider it, but once they have so many conditions and clauses to abide by, I just tell them, no deal. We run our business by our rules, not yours.

If you wanna play their game, good for you or anyone listening, but if ya have enough work, why even think about those ridiculous terms ?? Simply not worth the aggravation.


Very Active Signmaker
Payment in advance..... in full.

Those that say they can't do it, I just say, that's Okay..... good-bye. The ones willing to negotiate or whatever, I consider it, but once they have so many conditions and clauses to abide by, I just tell them, no deal. We run our business by our rules, not yours.

If you wanna play their game, good for you or anyone listening, but if ya have enough work, why even think about those ridiculous terms ?? Simply not worth the aggravation.

For me, not worth the aggravation. I hate chasing down money.

Someone contacted me last week about a $250 whopper of an install and wanted Net60, send them COI, W2 and workers comp, PLUS fill out a 5 page new vendor agreement. WTF has time for this? Order a service and pay with a credit card like a normal human and move on. I should charge $250 for doing the whole paperwork process. Needless to say I declined.


Premium Subscriber
For me, not worth the aggravation. I hate chasing down money.

Someone contacted me last week about a $250 whopper of an install and wanted Net60, send them COI, W2 and workers comp, PLUS fill out a 5 page new vendor agreement. WTF has time for this? Order a service and pay with a credit card like a normal human and move on. I should charge $250 for doing the whole paperwork process.

Wha da....... ??

You're the one who wanted to know other viewpoints. Then, ya jump down my throat when I practically agreed with you. You went from asking what people's terms were to now $250 ain't worth your time. So why in the f*ck even ask any questions ??



Very Active Signmaker
Wha da....... ??

You're the one who wanted to know other viewpoints. Then, ya jump down my throat when I practically agreed with you. You went from asking what people's terms were to now $250 ain't worth your time. So why in the f*ck even ask any questions ??


Haha, I was agreeing with you. I want to know how others handle it because it may make me change my own practices. In business, I try not to get stuck in my ways... you'll get left for dead.


Premium Subscriber
Haha, I was agreeing with you. I want to know how others handle it because it may make me change my own practices. In business, I try not to get stuck in my ways... you'll get left for dead.

Well, then you oughta take some courses in communications, cause it sure didn't sound that way. Maybe that's your problem with these companies, you say 2 or 3 different things at the same time and let them choose which answer or question they like best. :banghead:

If you choose your goals wisely and follow your policies closely, you won't need to be left for dead..... the others will be, by your standards.

For instance a tux from the turn of the 1900s is still in style and looks the most elegant of all the trash out there. You cannot improve upon perfection. Therefore, strive to make yourself the best you can and make sure your thinking is not flawed and you will stay on top for 100 years.


Very Active Signmaker
Well, then you oughta take some courses in communications, cause it sure didn't sound that way. Maybe that's your problem with these companies, you say 2 or 3 different things at the same time and let them choose which answer or question they like best. :banghead:

Only you can take a simple situation and turn it into the painting of Relativity! Entertaining to see how you work... I sadly suspect dementia my dear friend Swaggins. :(


Premium Subscriber
So, my little denizen.......... perhaps you're just in over your head a tad. There's much more to being in business than just spouting out whatever random thoughts pop into your head or making up scenarios to meet your Little General when he pops up.


New Member
If they are coming to you then it should be by your rules. If you go to them then that is another story altogether.


New Member
If they are coming to you then it should be by your rules. If you go to them then that is another story altogether.

that isn't how it works when you do work for national companies. they set the rules and if you ar willing to comply, you do the job. my advice is to read every word in their agreements as they bury stuff in there. when you find something that you will not do, you have to note it and get it removed. we had one place that would not pay for a night time photo of the sign lighted and wanted us to go on our time. when we fought it, they said others did it. that doesn't fly as who cares if some other shop was dumb enough to do required work on their own time. read everything.


Premium Subscriber
As Marlene said, if you wanna play their game, go right ahead. However, read all the fine print and make waves wherever you see fit.

Again, our policy is 'Payment in Advance'. Once they've established a good rapport, then you can perhaps give terms if you'd like. We have many that we've worked with over the years and they are the ones which will get our cooperation, but they must first prove themselves.

Also, if you don't have enough of your own work and are willing to meet their standards, by all means do it. We've just found that we make a lot better money doing our own stuff, then working for some national authorized company who is looking for bargain basement deals. We get 2 or 3 requests a week for signs in our area. It's almost always bullsh!t and non-worthwhile money. A month or two ago, someone wanted us to go out and do a survey and said, they've allotted $100 to do it. I said, we don't even go out for that for our own jobs. They asked, what do you think it's worth ?? $365.00 if you want pictures with measurements and color codes. They said they'd get back to me. They called about a week or so ago, but we're too busy right now to do it. With all the rain we've had, we're kinda behind on instals at the moment.


New Member
Most of my nationals accounts are net 30 some 45 I haven't had any issues with payments, now if the job is more than 2500.00 I do required a deposit and the balance on the agreed terms


New Member


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