Just for reference, I have a customer that's into Real Estate. I think it's my only realtor customer. He kept wanting 1 here, 1 there, so I ordered enough to meet the minimum from Rick a while back. He changed companies, so I had a couple left over. No loss, since I had to order a minimum order anyway. He comes in, needs something fast. I look around, yep, not a single piece of coroplast in the shop. Not a scrap. But I do have those old finished signs for him.
Cool, I think, I'll just get that ink off and make his signs out of his old signs and send him on his way. I actually took lacquer thinner to it and couldn't get the ink off. I finally got a scotchbrite pad with some solvent on it and it was slowly coming off. Man, that ink he used was STUCK to that coroplast. I mean STUCK!!!!
Jill, you can do it, just go through that tutorial. It's really really easy.