I have a full color sign 48"X30". Does anyone in the southeast USA have the capabilities of scanning that. I have a scanner but it's to small and even if I tile the scans I can't get in the scanner. I tried to take a picture of it with my 10 mp camera but it not good enough. Maybe someone has another idea how this can be done. Thanks in advance.
Good quality large size scanners are very expensive and take up a lot of space.
All you need is a good DSLR camera (I use a Nikon D700), with a longer mm lens than a standard lens so you reduce the amount of lens distortion, if you use a lens such as a 100mm and get way back from the sign, have your camera centered up & down, and left & right, you will get a very good image without distortion.
Now, if you need more resolution than available above, get closer and take separate images dividing the object into tiles, half or thirds, and then let photomerge in Photoshop stitch the parts back together, remember you must be centered and shoot straight on to eliminate distortion. On large objects, you can shoot 3 separate images and let Photoshop stitch them together, you can increase the resolution to almost 3 times, just remember to shoot each tile straiht on and overlap the images slightly so Photoshop can match up the pixels.
How to stitch photos together:
More info here: