New Member
After too many inconsistencies from 4over I really need a good supplier recommendation for business cards, brochures, post cards, etc. I have a few customers that buy large quantities of products. Thank you!
have heard decent things about
4Over owns Zoo
What do you find inconsistent with 4over? Color?
Printing 4 Resale. Jacksonville, Florida 866.998.0911After too many inconsistencies from 4over I really need a good supplier recommendation for business cards, brochures, post cards, etc. I have a few customers that buy large quantities of products. Thank you!
A lot of my issues have been with cutting and scoring. I have gotten multiple tri-fold brochure orders that are scored at weird angles or not even close to where they should be scored. Its a shame because I am only a few hours from their Dayton facility but I need consistency above anything. They don't ever hesitate to replace the order so I can't complain too much.what DON'T you find inconsistent from 4over? I've had all kinds of color issues, overprint issues, flood UV coating that's uneven across the sheets, poor cutting (from being visually off, all the way to half my art and half whoever's art was next to it), spot UV horribly out of register. They seem happy to replace it most of the time, but still that turns 3 day jobs into 2 week ones.
Shame about Zoo... I used them a few times in the past prior to 4over buying them up. There's also Zoomprinting but I can't remember if I tried them. If you're western US, elite4print I used quite a bit in the past without a ton of issues. They're just a bit long of a ship to me on the east coast.