A spot color "Kawasaki green" is hard to hit with a CMYK+ Printer too.
But you can use the Job Editor (if you have Postershop or Thrive, doesn´t work with RIP-Center as far as I know) to print variations to find the nearest approach. Open Job with Kawasaki Green in Job Editor by right-clicking on the job entry in RIP Queue, choose "Open in Job Editor", there choose the tab "Color Correction, there the button "Tools" and "Color Correction", in the PopUp-Menu there "Color Replacement", in the following dialog click the button "Insert ..." (not sure, I use german version), with the Pipette near "Current Color" pick the Kawasaki-Green and click the button "Swatch Books". There you can generate a swatch of samples with CMYK-Values with which you can decide which CMYK-Value is the nearest.