Modern printers have extended their gamut past the default CMYK gamut used in most design software input profiles. RGB has a much wider gamut than CMYK which is why when you send over the RGB file, it can hit those colors that aren't represented in the standard CMYK input profile. Manufacturers like Mimaki actually have their own CMYK input profile that you can use for this reason. I wouldn't be surprised if Epson has their own as well.Even though the inks are CMYK I find with the Onyx RIP seems to be easier to hit Kawi green and KTM orange using RGB rather than CMYK.
I don't know about other RIPs but Onyx has specific tables to convert Pantone colors to print accurately.BikeGraphix is using 2271C for the current Kawi green.
I've had varying luck switching to RGB/CMYK from pantone. It seems the RIP prints the pantone color differently than the RGB or CMYK equivalent.
As unclebun stated, testing is everything.
Epson has it's own EPSON Wide CMYK Ver2 profile that works GREAT!!!Modern printers have extended their gamut past the default CMYK gamut used in most design software input profiles. RGB has a much wider gamut than CMYK which is why when you send over the RGB file, it can hit those colors that aren't represented in the standard CMYK input profile. Manufacturers like Mimaki actually have their own CMYK input profile that you can use for this reason. I wouldn't be surprised if Epson has their own as well.
I use the 80600 as well and have recently bought the epson photospectrometer, this generally gives really accurate results and we now print a lot of the graphics which we would have used colour vinyl in the past.Hy
I'm using my espon 80600 with onyx and also have an old caldera wich can be run with it too, and i 'm looking for help to create a profile to hit the Green KAWASAKI.
Can anyone help me giving tips on ONYX or calera to get this color?
Thanks for watching.