Taking a leap without knowing what you need to start off with, is not the way to start off a business, even a part time business. Do a lot of reading, check out the web forums and as has been said before get a part time of full time job at an existing sign company. It's not hard work, provided you have the know-how, but most importantly talent. Learn the lingo, it goes a long way with people in the industry, find yourself a reputable vendor, they are great help, but don't believe everything they tell you at face. And remember even part time business needs the necessary permits, tax status, etc., yes even for stickers and decals.
It's not as simple as it seems, the actual sign work is one thing, but what sometimes becomes daunting is keeping up with your business records and taxes. All this is needed for later equipment purchases and leasing. Write a comprehensive business plan, if you can do that successfully, it goes a long way to showing that you have at least done some research as to what you are getting into. As far as equipment advice, you will get many answers, research, research and more research.
AND IF YOU ARE WORKING FROM HOME, DON'T LOW BALL YOUR STOREFRONT OR ESTABLISHED SIGN COMPANIES. THEY ARE BIGGER AND CAN RUN YOU OUT OF BUSINESS QUICKLY. Remember they have mouths to feed and you don't want to be the cause of "cheapening the industry" in your area...it benefits no one.