Hmmm, reminds me of a cartoon by Bob Parsons in SignCraft years ago. The foreman came in to the shop and said "Sorry Joe, we're going to have to let you go...the office gal just digitized your Casual".
It was a true expression of the changing times in the sign industry.
Because window "splash" graphics became my mainstay (for the last 20 years), I didn't keep pace with the whole vinyl aspect of the trade, and have felt like a "dinosaur" on many occasions. However, when I see a post like this request for a hand-lettered type font, I get a silent, confident smile knowing that I possess the skill to produce such an item efficiently with a brush.
As fate would have it, I recently started painting gym floor graphics for a company, and although it's hard work (at 55 yrs. old) I'm enjoying it knowing my talents are being used and are greatly appreciated. (Not to mention the $$$ is real good