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Need Suggestions on a Logo


New Member
I'm working on a logo for a company called Simple Eco Solutions.

Simple Eco Solutions is an environmental consulting company that analyzes various aspects of individual's homes, businesses and non-profit organizations to identify areas in which they can become more environmentally friendly while simultaneously saving money. Beyond energy and water audits they help clients optimize their living and work space to be healthier & eco friendly by suggesting and personalizing ways they can cut indoor air pollution and increase the value within the home and property. Basically they perform a "Green Survey" and help our clients transition into a Green Economy by implementing "simple", low-cost, and commonsense cost saving techniques. Living Green and Saving Green.

They are be based in New Orleans. Initially told me they want to incorporate Cypress trees/knees into the logo but are not sold to it.

"The Roots of a Greener Future" is their tagline so roots may be a good route to go as well.

I don't love these logos so I am looking for some suggestions as to new ideas/concepts. I just want to let you guys see what I have come up with so far. Logos will most likely be green/brown but I'm not concerned about the color yet. Just trying to nail down a good concept right now.

Thanks for your input.



New Member
First one looks scary.
Second looks like teepees.
Third looks like fire.

I bet you are trying to avoid using a leaf. Leaf is so 1970's.

You need curves if you want people to think you care about the environment.
And simple art. Very simple.
Match the customer.

Environmentalism is a business like any other.
Give them a business design.


New Member
I like the direction of your top choice but feel the name is too small and week. Here's another take on it with a stronger emphasis on the name. Using green for the oval part of the logo and brown for the trees would help break the logo portion into something easier on the eyes.


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New Member
I like the suggestions of SignManaic but would suggest thinning out (narrowing) the oval arrows some. They are a little to overwhelming. JMHO


New Member

Copy heavy to the left.

Arrows are optically thicker on the left than the right.
That's a fundamental design flaw.

Arrow on the right should be higher then the one on the left.

So many things wrong with this layout. Hard to start.


New Member
Thanks for the feedback. I'm not necessarily against using leaves. I think I'm going to draw up a hand-made typographic logo with soft curvy type and maybe some vines or leaves incorporated. I agree that an eco friendly logo should be curvy. I can't look at that last logo without seeing fire now.


New Member
I like the 3rd option best. Simplicity holds it solid. I don't see fire at all. If you do, try accentuating them to be more "leafy"


New Member
Scrap the leaf. Overused for too long.
It has lost all meaning. It is now a joke.

Be creative.
Think future. If it was easy anyone could do it.

Be you, define it.

(make the art sweep up toward the right.)



New Member
I know this is stupid, super simple. And it didn't take much thought but this is where my mind went immediately after reading the brief.

Screen Shot 2014-06-04 at 10.44.26 PM.jpg


New Member
On the direct track.

Reduce the verbiage.

People stopped thinking years ago.
They will not ponder a logo.

You have two seconds to imprint on their brain,
(and the brain of their three closest friends),
or it won't work.

That's how it works now.

BANG and give them a trinket.

That is how the ****-away-money demographic works now.

Nothing on the market is necessary, it's all trash
that will be disposed of within 4 years.


New Member
I would curl the check mark a little at the top of the long side so it could be seen as both a check mark and hint at something growing


New Member
These are two more logos I came up with. I'm still not satisfied with anything yet.

I think the first one could possibly be on the right track but its definitely missing something.

The second one is something the client asked to see. I really don't like it at all. Too wordy. I just did it to please the client.

Any suggestions would be appreciated...



New Member
I really like the bottom logo. The one rooted in to the ground.

Definitely better than the other oval/round logos previously posted. I'd say you're on the right track for sure.


New Member
the last one with the roots and leaves is way over done. you don't have to have an image in logo. a good strong logo can be done with fonts


New Member
No need for the roots. Even if they wanted it. If you transfer the logic, if you were working on a logo for a septic company, would you put pee and poo in the logo?


New Member
Here is something a bit different and simple.
May trigger something for you


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