Hey guys my name is Tom I currently work as a contract professional which means I'm away from home 90% of the time. I'm trying to find a job locally (Kansas City area) in my current field but have a much greater desire to get in the sign making craft. I figure I can use my own stuff as "guinea pigs" untuil I (hopefully) reach a point of reasonable proficiency to perform other work. My family is involved in small time Mini-Sprint racing and have a blast doing it. I also dabble with the model boat hobby so have a direct need with regards to lettering. I've had a very difficult time finding someone who is local to me to letter our racing stuff especially who approaches it professionally meaning gets it done in a reasonable amount of time etc. The last time I had some stuff over there to get lettered it took nearly 5 weeks and my sponsor (guy who helps us out) was wondering why his name wasn't on the car as promised. Well my point is I'm a customer and I can really appreciate what guys in the business and customers need and when they need it so I'd really like to try and get started in this craft as
#1) I enjoy it and i just think it a very interesting/rewarding craft
#2) I think I can do a darn good job of representing the trade
#3) I'm creative and have allot of ideas on designs and color schemes etc.
The bottom line is I think its cool stuff (always have) and really want to learn how and perhaps give myself and my Son's an opportunity to do something cool together and maybe help us afford our hobbies while helping others as well.
I'm asking for feedback from the many talented pro's of this forum as I'm lost with regards to what a guy needs to get started doing vehicle graphics etc. There are so many brands and many different configurations of equipment (be it new or used) that a guy could easily spend a heck of allot of money getting exactly what he doesn't need.
I would be happy to buy someone's dinner or whatever if I could get some feedback it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Tom & Sons