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new image viewer on mouse-over

do you like the image mouse-over viewer

  • yes

    Votes: 41 47.1%
  • no

    Votes: 37 42.5%
  • dont give a rats behind

    Votes: 9 10.3%

  • Total voters


New Member
That would be a matter of how quickly you click the thumbnail and then move your mouse cursor away from the hover area.

I have tried that, no matter how fast I click it and move the mouse away...it still leaves the image window there once i close the one that opened in a new tab.


New Member
Fred, I use Chrome for the majority of my web browsing. I find this to be a nice feature, not buggy and it is helpful. I really disliked having to click on the photo and have it open in another window for multiple images. Great add. Thanks.

I completely agree but however you cant teach old dogs new tricks so some dont like it but i def do.

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
I have tried that, no matter how fast I click it and move the mouse away...it still leaves the image window there once i close the one that opened in a new tab.

My guess is that you have a very fast computer and a very fast broadband connection. I'm on a quadcore and a relatively fast DSL and I have three to five seconds of hover time before the image viewer actually takes over. If I click before that happens, I just get a new window and the image like it has always been. But even if it launches the image viewer ... which should happen if you don't click at all, it doesn't show you an inferior image and clicking in any black area closes it.

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
I've switched the way it works from hover to click. Clicking the thumbnail will now open the image in the image viewer which will tie the multiple images into a slideshow. Click the Close X or any dimmed out area and it closes the image viewer. Click the image itself and it opens it in a new window.

Attached are some image to test it with. See if you like that better.


  • acg00055_Pug.jpg
    47.1 KB · Views: 76
  • acg00080_Donkey.jpg
    52.6 KB · Views: 82
  • acg00130_Leopard.jpg
    81.5 KB · Views: 78


New Member
i did. in another thread. but i digress. ill do it again in this one.

so i click on a pic.

it opens up a new window. i close said window, then the original window below it, now opens up the SAME pic in a iframe, thing.

god i hate change. unless its obama. then I REALLY hate change. and god i despise HOPE.


  • change.jpg
    73.3 KB · Views: 69


New Member
I've switched the way it works from hover to click. Clicking the thumbnail will now open the image in the image viewer which will tie the multiple images into a slideshow. Click the Close X or any dimmed out area and it closes the image viewer. Click the image itself and it opens it in a new window.

Attached are some image to test it with. See if you like that better.

Just when i didn't think it could get any better.Ty Fred great improvement,i hope all are happy now.


Premium Subscriber
Well, I like it either way. I also was fine with the old method. Another click here or there, doesn't bother me. My question is this and possibly this is a dumb question and I just don't know how to do it, but here goes anyway............

Such as in Fred's example of a dog, donkey and tiger...... is there a way to view all of them at one time ??

My reason for this is that, many times people will post two separate pictures and to make a comparison..... you have to go back and forth or do some photoshop work to see them to make comparisons. This new method, at least gives one the ability to see them more rapidly, but not side by side.

Am I missing something ?? Is there a way to see them all at once ??


Tim Aucoin

New Member
How lazy have we gotten that we resist a few more clicks!! :ROFLMAO: Come on... it's good exercise for the fingers and mousing hand! :rolleyes:

I love the new method Fred... that's exactly how it works on my company forum! Now, if I could just figure out a few more things...


Premium Subscriber
I know that method, too. I'm getting at something like this.............

This way, when someone posts up 5 or 6 variations, we can make a better comparison if we see them all at once.


  • 3 at once.jpg
    3 at once.jpg
    184.1 KB · Views: 63


New Member
I know that method, too. I'm getting at something like this.............

This way, when someone posts up 5 or 6 variations, we can make a better comparison if we see them all at once.

Don't be the customer that when a change is made goes "yes but what about THIS little change" when it's really a huge change that would require a lot of work. Fred's just enabling a prebuilt modal image plugin for vBulletin you're asking for a custom solution, way different scope.


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
Not sure anyone did ask, but please, tell us what the problem is other than you tend to resist change.

There's a large difference betwixt resisting change and resisting gratuitous change.

The former is suspect, the latter should be praised.

You offer gratuitous change resistance to which should be praiseworthy. By virtue of the changes you've instituted nothing is functionally different merely procedurally different. In this case, annoyingly so.

Previous to this dubious improvement, one could invoke a link to an image via control or right click and then continue perusing the tread containing the link. Now, merely trespassing on a thumbnail's turf instantly turns ones screen black for what seems an interminable few seconds and then offers a slightly larger than thumbnail image in the center of the blackness.

Whatever train of thought one might have had going is lost due to an errant mouse cursor.

At the bottom, it is an annoyance, not a convenience, not a better way merely a different and clumsier way, and should be tossed on the burn pile.


New Member
I like the way it is now, but would change it a little. If there was a way to open the preview window by choice, or open in a new tab, that would be great. cu sometimes, i go in to a thread, open up all the pics, then read the post, and reference the picture as i am reading, but with the new way, i cant do that.

I thinking of a setup that would operate the same way it did before the changes, so if you click on the image it opens in a new tab, but with a button under it that says open preview window, for those occasions i want to pan through te images.


Premium Subscriber
Don't be the customer that when a change is made goes "yes but what about THIS little change" when it's really a huge change that would require a lot of work. Fred's just enabling a prebuilt modal image plugin for vBulletin you're asking for a custom solution, way different scope.

I didn't think I was being one of THOSE kinda customers, but rather asking a question in which I didn't know the answer, therefore not expecting some bitter diatribe from the peanut gallery about something I'm not doing.

I didn't ask for him to do a thing. I merely asked if there was a way to do this and I didn't know how to activate or use this method. Evidently, I struck a nerve with you on some level, but that's Okay.... it's Friday and I'm sure you're just on edge for some reason or other. :Oops:

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
I like the way it is now, but would change it a little. If there was a way to open the preview window by choice, or open in a new tab, that would be great. cu sometimes, i go in to a thread, open up all the pics, then read the post, and reference the picture as i am reading, but with the new way, i cant do that.

I thinking of a setup that would operate the same way it did before the changes, so if you click on the image it opens in a new tab, but with a button under it that says open preview window, for those occasions i want to pan through te images.

I does work that way, more or less, but in the reverse. Click it to get the image viewer and right-click then open in new window or tab. So if there is more than one image, click it and only one right click it ... if you prefer a separate window or tab.