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Review New logo and website


Premium Subscriber
Ya know, you don't hafta agree with me, what I say or do, but when just about everyone is giving you the same advice and you choose not to listen, then there's something wrong. If you might step back and look at the broader picture and stop making excuses for all of your inconsistencies or somewhat far out reaches, you might help yourself...... and your company.

Like mentioned by many.... and others with tongue-in-cheek..... re-think some of your views, not for us, but for your own sake.


Its all about simplicity and creating a memorable brand. Our logo doesn't have a ton of bells and whistles or overt screaming "sign" images other than the name, but I guarantee that when we hand someone our card and that sunburst catches their eye, they don't quickly forget whose card it is. Our building signage, website style and other advertising forms further reinforce that brand.

Quite like your sign/logo. Like mine, i've kept it simple. I have a simple logo and a slogan. I can't upload but can see on my website. www.completegraphics.com.au
It's not the best design out there, but it's legible and understandable.


Logo design aside - how did you find the cards? I got ours done the same way (spot UV on suede stock) and the spot UV from the back of each card left impressions on the front of the next card...

I've got UV spot filled cards. Love them. Clients love them. The guys at canon where flipping out.
The idea behind ours was to showcase our printed Glass / Splashback service So we uv spot filled the image of the splashback to appear like glass


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    Screen Shot 2017-09-06 at 4.05.29 am.png
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Active Member
All gimmicks and flash in the pan trendiness aside, try to put a brand in place that will you believe is durable enough to survive a fad or temporary trend. Do you see the major brands of the world, reacting to every fad and redesigning their logo every three years?


Active Member
That symbol is also associated with Ireland, my first thought was you were and Irish or Irish American company. Not much about it suggests signs.


New Member
That's true, you guys are right. I need to think of something more permanent. I don't reject noones advise. I am human tho, and some comments were not nice to hear, but the constructive ones made a difference. I'm going to think long and hard on making some changes.

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New Member
i stepped away from this site for quite some time...only recently starting to look back at it. It is amazing the way this thread has gone, you say "comments were not nice to hear".... believe me they haven't been harsh at all. It used to be flat out slamming and picking on and name calling, this has been a pleasant thread actually. Granted it doesn't seem like you are really "hearing" what everyone is saying, but you throw jabs yourself in good fun i suppose you think. Honest opinion.... scrap the whole concept and start over, if this is the level of design on the front side of the business, i would have no confidence in the ability of the company to do anything for me. That is an opinion of a consumer, not knowing a thing about your company. From a professional opinion...scrap it and start over.

addition: i came back to this post.... i went and looked at your website, you seem to be way more invested in this logo concept than you let on. It is awfully late in the stage to be asking opinions about the "new logo", it looks like you are pretty deep into its use already.
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New Member
OK what do you guys recommend? Something that has a world/earth.

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Premium Subscriber
We're not really here to develop your logo or branding. We're here to help, if at all possible. We throw out ideas that have worked over time. We share ideas with cooperating people and most of all we do it with like-minded people in our industry. We're not a peanut gallery you can throw out crap to and expect us to pick up the pieces when you fail.

You're actually treating this as some of our customers do... when designing a logo, concept and so many other things. You're the one who needs some initial input. Colors, graphics, ideas and so many other things. Likes, dislikes, dos & don'ts. Now, that you've been shot down, you're asking for help with nothing to offer. Do you realize people get paid big bucks for things like this, but you want it for nothing ?? Sure, if you see something to your liking, you'll wanna pay for it, but why should anyone here or anywhere else wanna enter into a 'design my logo' contest...... for free ??

Wild said it best..... start over. This and your website are kinda.................... low-end and not too professional looking. Ours is nothing to brag about, but it does have examples, descriptions and yes, not childish colors.
We're not really here to develop your logo or branding. We're here to help, if at all possible. We throw out ideas that have worked over time. We share ideas with cooperating people and most of all we do it with like-minded people in our industry. We're not a peanut gallery you can throw out crap to and expect us to pick up the pieces when you fail.

You're actually treating this as some of our customers do... when designing a logo, concept and so many other things. You're the one who needs some initial input. Colors, graphics, ideas and so many other things. Likes, dislikes, dos & don'ts. Now, that you've been shot down, you're asking for help with nothing to offer. Do you realize people get paid big bucks for things like this, but you want it for nothing ?? Sure, if you see something to your liking, you'll wanna pay for it, but why should anyone here or anywhere else wanna enter into a 'design my logo' contest...... for free ??

Wild said it best..... start over. This and your website are kinda.................... low-end and not too professional looking. Ours is nothing to brag about, but it does have examples, descriptions and yes, not childish colors.


Active Member
I think you have world in there too much, 1 time in the name is enough. Put the color your world on the back if it has to stay. If you've been in business 20 years and are changing your logo just for the heck of it, then do what you want as it wont really matter to any of your customers. If youre doing it because you need to grow, Id go with something more reserved and professional looking.

When I see religious symbols (like the fish) on peoples business stuff that are not a church, my scammer alarm goes off. No offense but from my experience, they will rip you off quicker than anyone. Laying out your religion for the world to see makes me question what BS they are covering up with their "faith". I dont think Im alone in this feeling either.


New Member
Hi you seem to like retro and super hero.
If you want to change your world and grow your long held company it's a simple decision.

Call Dan Antonelli at Kick Charge and tell his team what you're trying to do. Let them run with it.

Yes you will need to save some money to budget with them, BUT it's almost gaurenteed you'll get that money back the first year.

He did my logo and that alone increased our business. I then did my website and business has boomed.

Even if he just helps with the logo it would give you a new direction to wrap everything else around. Do it and you'll wonder why it took you so long once it's done.


New Member
Also hands down the best advice in this thread so far has been:

Doing our own logo and design becomes too personal. Yes we should have input but really unless logo design is our expertise we should only play a support role.

Let it go, be happy and excited, and love your new creation when it arrives.

I actually like your ideas if it was executed correctly. So I'm certain you're creative enough in your thinking. You just lack (as many of us do) that special gift of solidifying a logo and exact color choices.


New Member
I have to be honest, the colors are too bright, hurts my eyes. Also the overall layout looks plain, boring and unprofessional for a sign company. I used to be a web developer so the little things bug me. I recommend checking out some of the larger national sign company websites and the wholesale manufacturers to see what they are doing. Websites are hard, my first two for my company were crap. It takes awhile and a few tries to get ti right.


New Member
I hear what you guys are saying. All true. Just been super busy after irma. I do appreciate everyones input. I knew my website needed work, but I thought the logo das good enough and my eyes have been opened.

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Johnny Best

Active Member
Hows the new latex printer work.

BTW, I like your logo, it did get everyone's attention, and that's what you are looking for anyway. Your in MIami, bold colors and hot women, it works for me.


New Member
Haha, ya it just needs to be done tuned, a different perspective. Latex is set to be installed on the 27th.

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New Member
it feels very 1990 in the colors that are used. I get the reason why but most have no clue colors are made from CMYK. it also is very confusing. having a globe with a symbol that says "we're Christians" kind of sends a message to all the rest of us on the planet that we aren't included in anyway. it's a very unfriendly message you are sending and will turn off many people.