Joe Diaz
New Member
Two thoughts from me;
Not that this is how I handle a "real" job but the OP produced a sketch in post #38 of elements he would like to see. Like a few others I was just playing with a quick idea.
Regarding logos;
I believe a lot of people refer to some lettering as a logo. I don't view what I have shown on the "logo" thread to necessarily be my logo. Thru the years I have had my trucks lettered many many different ways. When I get board with it or have a new idea I change it. What I have tried to do is always show what I am capable of and it seems to have brought me a lot of the kind of work I want to do.
For me my truck being lettered is the only visual advertizing I do, other than word of mouth from other jobs.
I also posted recently that I go in streaks of not having any lettering on my vehicle. I know for a fact we see a difference in the phone calls whether it is or is not lettered.
Even though most refer to it as a logo, I think most of what I produce is lettering for my customers. Maybe that is what is refereed to as branding?
Although thru the years different versions of my lettering or designs for customer ends up on biz cards and letterhead, I still don't think it is a logo in the sense of corporate logos.
What is a logo? THAT is a good discussion in and of itself. The way we define it here at our shop so that our clients can understand, is if we design something for a one time use... for just that one application, it's a design or layout. If we are creating something that will be used on signs, vehicle graphics, business cards, websites, etc... something that ties all those things together... well then that is a logo and we design a logo keeping in mind that it needs to be flexible and used on all those different applications. How that logo is used throughout that business's image is called branding.
So when a client hires us to design a sign, we ask if they need a logo first. In other words they need to make a decision on how the design we are creating is going to be used. Is it just for the sign? Then it's a sign layout and the project is handled and priced as if it is a one time sign layout. Are you going to use it beyond that one application? Then you want us to create a logo. And we use a different process and charge differently for logos.