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New logo....thoughts?


New Member
I love this thread! It started with a decent logo, got great advice on the fonts, colors (love Jill's suggestion), distressing and fantastic marketing advice from Jon!

In one day you got all the advice needed to roll out an effective marketing blitz for 4th of July weekend.

Hope you're able to pull it off in time!


New Member
I also think it would look richer if you aged the colors, say maroon for the red, ivory for the white, and navy for the blue.
I love the distressed idea, my t-shirts and stuff I requested a distressed look.

That color combo looks really nice. My wife used it on our daughter's dress:


  • Ivy Memorial Day 2009.jpg
    Ivy Memorial Day 2009.jpg
    34.2 KB · Views: 115


New Member

I really didn't expect this level of advice. I was just hopin for a few tweaks. I like the distressed look as well. I banged this logo out in about 30 min and I really like it, but I couldn't place my finger on what was missing.

Jilly, you are right about the text, I'll add Creampuff and distress it and then I'll post it up and see what everyone thinks. I really like all of the designs that everyone posted here. I'm thinking limited edition logo shirt designs to keep everyone interested, but keeping the main logo as the well....main logo, lol.

Jon.....THANKS A MILLION!!! Those ideas are gold! Only issue is the money for now, We're launching at an All Airborne convention that has about 100 amateur historians attending as well as WWII, Korea and Vietnam Paratroopers and Commandos being honored. I want to sell to the attendees and give away to the vets whichever shirt they want. Me and my partner will be wearing shirts all weekend and I wanted to have a couple with our logo on it as well. The truck will be getting the Patriot treatment and eventually, maybe a shirt cannon, lol. Thanks again!

Will post up changes shortly.....thanks again everyone!


New Member
Ok.....here's a couple changes I came up with based on all the input. Next round of comments please, lol!


  • Patriot logo shirt 2.0.jpg
    Patriot logo shirt 2.0.jpg
    33.4 KB · Views: 147
  • Patriot logo shirt 2.5.jpg
    Patriot logo shirt 2.5.jpg
    36.6 KB · Views: 123


New Member
Yeah, I didn't spend alot of time on the distressed on yet as I'm just refining the idea. If it turns out to be the one I go with, then I'll spend some more time on it. Thanks for the link.

Jon Aston

New Member
Hey Rob.

Glad you liked the suggestions. :)

If you're starting out with a great plan, but minimal cash, just try to get as close to delivering and communicating the brand experience as you possibly can, with whatever resources you can muster.

Sorry. Corporate-speak. Let me try that again.

Do what you can to be surprising and fun and kind and respectful and generous (or whatever you took from the suggestions above) because those are the things that people will then associate with the Patriot brand. Make them feel good when they remember you. They'll tell their friends and family about the experience.

If I was scripting/directing the All Airborne Convention video, I would suggest you treat it like you're on an urgent mission, working your way through the convention, to thank as many veterans as you can, as quickly as you can. Walk fast enough (camera tagging along) to be a little out of breath when you find each new veteran.

Introduce yourself, and have a friendly, real conversation: "Hello sir, my name is Rob and this is my partner Jim, and we're on a little mission here today, to say thanks to every veteran we can find, and to give them one of these Patriot T-Shirts that we made. We're videotaping everything and putting it on the internet for all of America to see. Is that OK with you? Great, well thank you, sincerely, for your service to our country. It's people like you who make this the greatest country on earth... and it's an honor to meet you. What's your name, and how did you serve? Is there anything you would like to say to your fellow Americans, or to the rest of the world? Now, we want to give you one of these Patriot t-shirts. Which one do you like best? What size do you wear?".

Have fun with it. If you want a terrific example/inspiration, watch the way Rick Mercer interviews people. Watch how he sets up each video too. Shots of the the place, an introduction for the viewers, interviews.

Before you move on, ask the vets if they have email, and if they want you to email them a link to the video. I can almost guaranty that they'll share that link with friends and family... who may also share it with their friends and family.

If your videos make people feel good when they watch, if the story touches them personally, if it makes them laugh, or moves them to tears... they will want to share the experience with their friends. That's how things "go viral".

Edit conversations down to short clips. Use a naming convention like "Corporal Wm. Smith, Patriot" to name each video. End each video with a still that shows the Patriot logo, website address and "Thank a veteran today". Make (and keep) a commitment to yourself you edit and post one video per week. The more you do it, the better (and faster) you will get. When you're done, put together a 3-minute-long "best of" video. Call it "All Airborne Convention Patriots".

Put up a simple website using Wordpress. Home says "Thank a veteran today", features the shirt(s) - buy now - and the current video. Have an about page that tells the Patriot story. Have a contact page. Have a blog. Use the blog to post every time you've uploaded a video to youtube. Make it easy for visitors to share your content Set up the blog to update your Patriot page on Facebook, your Patriot twitter status, your Patriot linkedin status. SEO keywords should be obvious (american, patriot, tshirts, veterans, memorial day, gifts, airborne, convention, etc), but learn about how to research "long tail" search phrases too.

How much money did any of that cost you? Not much. Domain registration and web hosting. So what's stopping you now? Don't say "time" unless you have better, more valuable ways to spend your time. Which you might. What do I know?

Earmark 10-20% of sales revenue for marketing (including samples).

If you're getting lots of traffic (and hopefully Patriot shirt sales), then you'll know you are onto something. Do another convention. Do a Legion. Go where veterans go, when they go there. Or host a party for local veterans. Stay creative, and have fun!

Good luck!


New Member
Jon - That's some great advice!!
Heck it got me to want to get off my a$$ on this holiday weekend and get some stuff done.

You are dead on about e-mailing a link to the video.
That thing would spread like crazy.
Setting up a facebook fan / business page would blow up in a matter of no time. Add a link to a spot where they could buy the shirt - and other stuff (water bottles and such) you could even throw in a free decal for their car - people love free stuff. Once in a while throw in a special on facebook and twitter - the first (certain number of people) to respond to this tweet or post get a free shirt. Just a few more ideas.


New Member
i almost suggested one of those t-shirt cannons (those things are cool) but the corporately trained side of me chickened out.

Imagine rob's new logo on a camouflage shirt. You're at the park this weekend. Some dude rolls up in a camouflage patriot designs pickup with one of those t-shirt cannons mounted on a swivel on the roof. He pulls out a bullhorn and announces "hey! People! Catch a free shirt!", and starts firing - lobbing 4 or 5 into various crowds (the kids playing touch football, the people over by the barbecue, the people cooling off at the water misting things). Hard not to notice. Fun as hell.

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:


New Member
Thanks AGAIN!!!
You have alot of great info here for not just me but for everyone here that may be in my shoes. The convention veterans will be probably 90% WWII vets, but there will also be vets from the newer era conflicts there as attendees as well. I had already set aside a budget for free shirts for all the WWII vets and most of the newer era vets. At least I know I'm on the right track, lol. The convention is going to be pretty small, so I'll have a huge presence there already. I will meet everyone and spend alot of time talking to and listening to them. I will keep you posted on all of the ideas of yours that I implement.

We will video the giving away of free items and I'm going to be making decals to take along as well to hand out for free. I appreciate all of the advice that you have thrown my way and I'll PM you here shortly. Thanks again to you and everyone else here as well.

By the way, any thoughts on my latest versions of the logo, lol? Also, other than the link that Sign Boy provided, does anyone have any advice on how to distress my logo just using Photoshop, Illustrator or Flexi? Thanks again!

Jon Aston

New Member
No worries Rob. Looking forward to hearing how you make out!

Signboy - thanks! Good idea to offer more than just the shirts. So? What productive stuff did you get up to this weekend, so far?


New Member
No worries Rob. Looking forward to hearing how you make out!

Signboy - thanks! Good idea to offer more than just the shirts. So? What productive stuff did you get up to this weekend, so far?

Yesterday hmmmmmm went to a BBQ - today made a few sandwiches so far..... Probably going to another BBQ - I may try do do a few layouts but who am I kidding it's 4th of July Weekend :thumb:

Rob here's another idea for your design:
(Temporary Tattoos)


New Member
By the way, any thoughts on my latest versions of the logo, lol? Also, other than the link that Sign Boy provided, does anyone have any advice on how to distress my logo just using Photoshop, Illustrator or Flexi? Thanks again!

i like your "distressed" version best even if it's not perfect.