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New Macbook Pro out today

Sticky Signs

New Member
As the title suggests, the new Macbook Pro was released today. Some cool new features.
My old macbook has been very good to me but it's got a lot miles on it so it's starting to get fussy. It doesn't help that I've dropped it few times too.

Just ordered me a brand spankin' new 15 inch MBP. Can you say Christmas in February?


Active Member
congrats! I'm also on cloud-9 with my new MBP i just purchased last month. 13inch, nothing fancy, but STILL kicks ass. Currently have the trial version of CS5 Master Collection installed, but will most likely be using my educational discount to purchase one of the CS5 design suites for it very soon!

Tim Aucoin

New Member
Just got back from the Apple Store like 3 minutes ago with two brand spankin' new 15" 2.2GHZ MBP's... one for me and a nice surprise for my lovely wife! :clapping::clapping: Can't wait to get home and crack 'em open!


New Member
I just got the email from Apple... I priced out an Apple Macbook Pro, 17" with the new i7 standard processor, and the faster 7200 hard drive, and 8 gb of ram.


Spent $2,500 on the one I have now.... and am personally not all that fond of it.

At $3k, I could buy two i7, 17" Sony Vaio's comparably equipped.

As always, it's a matter of personal preference... but I'm jumping off the Mac bandwagon. Windows 7 is unbelievably solid for me.

But again - it's great news for Mac aficionados, as they now have the opportunity to experience the power of an i7. I've had one in my desktop for quite some time now, and it screams.


New Member
I may be getting one of those, My 7 year old dumped water in the top of my mbp 15 & it is dead in the water, no pun intended:doh:

I gotta get a minute here & take it to see what it needs.


New Member
At $3k, I could buy two i7, 17" Sony Vaio's comparably equipped.

Obviously you have not drank enough of the Apple KoolAid. That extra $1500 buys you a cool shiny case, and the warm fuzzy feeling that your are still a cool hipster (take another sip). Plus Stevie J's medical bills are piling up.. he could use the extra folding jack. Billy G has enough and doesn't need your money anymore.

Tim Aucoin

New Member
Obviously you have not drank enough of the Apple KoolAid. That extra $1500 buys you a cool shiny case, and the warm fuzzy feeling that your are still a cool hipster (take another sip). Plus Stevie J's medical bills are piling up.. he could use the extra folding jack. Billy G has enough and doesn't need your money anymore.

:rock-n-roll::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: You're a hoot! I obviously like the Apple flavored KoolAid®!

But if I'm not mistaken, Microsoft doesn't build computers... do they? Aren't they just the software? Do they back all of the hardware AND the software if you are having issues? I'm sincere here, as I'm way out of touch with the world of Windows. I use a few Windows machines here at the office because I'm "forced" to with certain RIP software, plus Windows
7 is solid, but I've never needed service on them.

I like that Apple supports the ENTIRE package they sell. It's pretty much like one-stop shopping. And, if you use BootCamp and have Windows installed on your Mac, they even support that! :thumb:

Also, I think the other big thing for me is the virus issue (or lack of it on a Mac). I've yet to read about a virus warning for Mac computers... go figure!

I do very much respect Windows users, as everything has its place. I just prefer the solid Mac OS platform and I love spending money! :Big Laugh

The Vector Doctor

Chief Bezier Manipulator
I drank the Kool-Aid in the mid to late 80's, then I had some plain tap water from the early to mid 90's and missed the taste, so I started drinking it again in 1999 and have never stopped enjoying it since


Active Member
Also, I think the other big thing for me is the virus issue (or lack of it on a Mac). I've yet to read about a virus warning for Mac computers... go figure!

It's about efficiency. More people use windows based systems. Why make a virus that can affect 10% of the population, when you can make one that affects 90%. It's not that Apples are any more secure then Windows, it's about bang for your buck.

My mom likes her macbook, I've dealt with macs. Not my thing as they are now. I had one back in the 80s and I did like that one, but its not me. I would hate to see how much it would cost me to get a mac version of my PC.


New Member
getting a ipad before a new mbp...you guys and gals should load up on their stock too! very promising future, with or without steve jobs.

The Vector Doctor

Chief Bezier Manipulator
I hear this 90/10 95/5 type argument all of the time, but I am not sure I believe that either. Why aren't the pc nerds/snobs/fanboys (no offense to pc's just the virus writers) writing some virus to piss us Mac folks off just to say I told you so?

Even at 10%, let's say they send out this virus, you would think someone would be getting this virus at some point. So yes, the 90% of the pc's would be safe and the hope is that the 1 in 10 mac people would get infected. There are so many people writing virus code with nothing better to do, I find it hard to believe they don't want to do it for just that reason

Yes there are a couple Mac viruses out there and I think i heard the ratio is 1 to 60,000 or some incredible number. The few that I have heard about though require so many steps to infect your mac that you almost have to "help it along" to infect your mac

10 years from now, maybe this won't be the case, but for now I feel very safe surfing unprotected. Someone enlighten me, I am no expert


New Member
EDIT: I mean NO offence to anybody, it's my opinion, I am not a win/linux/mac fanboy. to each his own, to the OP, I'm happy you got what you wanted :) If I had the money, I'd maybe get one too, I just cant justify the price.

I can't stand overpriced macs. I admit, the ipod's got a great UI/UX flow, but they've had years to work on it. the iphone is a great phone too but has been severly lacking lately, they are not catching up with advances compared to other phones such as android powered devices.

Macbooks IMHO should have been out of the market a long time ago; which when dropping it PPC platform they effectively did. I figured apple would become a software only company, but the ipod saved them.

I use pcs but occasionally use the mac platform (it is better for certain things) but I use it on a PC. the way it's meant to be used ;)

I have a quad core system with 4gb ram, 2 tb hd connected to a 8tb NAS, which dualboots into windows 7 and OSX. but should be upgrading to an i7 when the new model comes out.


Active Member
I hear this 90/10 95/5 type argument all of the time, but I am not sure I believe that either. Why aren't the pc nerds/snobs/fanboys (no offense to pc's just the virus writers) writing some virus to piss us Mac folks off just to say I told you so?

I'll have to ask the ole ball and chain's brother. He does work down in Huntsville to catch hackers and stuff like that. I would think he would be the one to get the straight dope on it.

I, for one, haven't had a problem with viruses in the last few years.

Personally, the one thing that keeps me from the current macs is the price. I just can't seem to reconcile the price of what a MAC is and how I can get a computer exactly how I want it for less then what some of the "off the shelf" built MACs go for.

David Wright

New Member
You people are unbelievable. I wish I could use the mind control methods to get people to feel that personal a relationship with my signs. Jobs is truly a cult genius.


New Member
You people are unbelievable.

I agree. You people are crazy. Crazy because you want a computer that you don't have to download malwarebytes, adaware, cccleaner, some reg editor and 20 other geek programs just to keep your machine running. That's the craziest thing I've heard. I mean who doesn't want a resource hog like Norton or McAfee sucking the life out of your system, purely because you HAVE to have it turned on or surfing the internet or opening email becomes a game of russian roulette. I mean come on, you guys actually want a computer that you don't have to think about, you just use it how it was meant to be used? You people are crazy.

PC lovers are PC lovers because they are computer geeks and love to fiddle with computers. 95% of the rest of John Q. Public has no interest in knowing what malwarebytes is, much less wanting to download it and run it. I always love the "I tried one back in 1987 and it sucked".

Mac's displays are drop dead beautiful. Light years ahead of anything I've ever got with a Dell, HP, or anything else. I thought color was important in this business. I can't find a Dell that comes with anything other than a piece of crap monitor. In fact, I was shopping Dell's site today, as I need a new PC, and it's pushing $2,000 with a piece of crap monitor included. I don't consider that cheap by any means. Not to mention all the slugware I have to run because it's so unsecure. And no, I don't want you to ask me every click of my mouse "do you really want to do that". If I didn't know I shouldn't, how would I know I shouldn't? That's the dumbest setup for security I have ever seen.

"Do you want to really launch that program you clicked on?"?

Uhh, that's why I clicked it, clicking makes it open right?

"Yeah, but it could be harmful, are you sure you want to open it?"

Well, I thought it was okay, but now I don't know. So I'll sit here paralyzed because I don't know if it's safe and I have no idea who I'm supposed to ask to see if it's okay to click it.

Yeah, that's a much better setup that the Mac's.


Active Member
PC lovers are PC lovers because they are computer geeks and love to fiddle with computers. 95% of the rest of John Q. Public has no interest in knowing what malwarebytes is, much less wanting to download it and run it. I always love the "I tried one back in 1987 and it sucked".

Oh, I actually liked the one that I had in the 80s. I had a baseball game that I loved to play on that thing on a floppy disk.

The one that I don't care for was the one that we got a couple of years ago.

Mac's displays are drop dead beautiful. Light years ahead of anything I've ever got with a Dell, HP, or anything else. I thought color was important in this business. I can't find a Dell that comes with anything other than a piece of crap monitor. In fact, I was shopping Dell's site today, as I need a new PC, and it's pushing $2,000 with a piece of crap monitor included. I don't consider that cheap by any means. Not to mention all the slugware I have to run because it's so unsecure. And no, I don't want you to ask me every click of my mouse "do you really want to do that". If I didn't know I shouldn't, how would I know I shouldn't? That's the dumbest setup for security I have ever seen.

The display is nice, but I got a 28" Hannspree that has done very well as far as display goes and it was 80% less then what the 27" Apple monitor that they sell seperate is.

You can run the apple display though on a PC if you just want the display. My Sapphire card has a mini display port. I didn't care for that all that much when I had to find an "active" mini port to DVI-I adapter in order to run that third monitor(which in this case is my wacom).

I only run CCleaner and Kaspersky, neither of which are resource intensive. I hope that you were overexaggerating about that every click being asked do you really want to open that program warning msg. I actually didn't even know that they had those warning msgs.

I agree with you on the monitors that come with the tower in a set. Those are not very good monitors most of the time and I never was a fan of Dell. HP does have a couple of nice monitors, but you either have to shop around on the price or just budget for them.


Quit buggin' me


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New Member
Just jerking your chain Wild West :) I don't care which one you use, they both have some nice platforms. I don't get paid to tinker with computers, I get paid for the work I do on them, so doesn't matter which one to me, as long as it works when I need it to work, although I would love a Mac, but the equipment we run doesn't support it, so everyone says "Oh, just run Parallels". I hate that argument. That's like saying "I'm going to use a condom for safe sex, but here, let me poke a hole in the end before I use it".

If I want a Mac, I want it because of the lack of all the crap I have to put up with like those worthless &^%$'s at Norton and McAfee that suck the life from your system and darn near embed themselves into your system so you can't even delete them without leaving traces.

I do think it's funny how people that dig their heels in on the PC side are always geeks, not just average PC users. They just can't understand that the rest of the world doesn't know or care what CNET is or how to download registry tools for free. They just don't care.

PC or Mac, just use it and enjoy it. If it works for you, great. If something different works for someone else, it doesn't make them an idiot, it just makes them different. Would you really be happy if the entire world were all the same? I'd be happy if everyone else was an Asian women :)


New Member
PC's are actually pretty good these days now that they have copied all of Mac's good features!

In '86 when I bought my first bug eyed Mac with a whopping 20MB internal HD, Quark Express and an Apple Laserwriter Pro for $9k, I about choked! But it paid for itself in less than 6 months and the first full year offering the improved services made possible with in house "Desktop Publishing" my business doubled in sales.

So now when I plunk down $3k for a laptop or $5-6k for a Mac Pro it almost seems cheap and I don't mind paying back Apple for the success they helped make possible.

Oh, just dug out the old bug eye a couple months ago and plugged it in and fired it up... Still works! Out of the 60 some computers I have bought since then, both Mac and PC, I have had far fewer Mac problems than PC problems and at least twice as many Macs as PCs. That alone is worth paying a little extra for, at least to me.