I've had the printer for over 8 months and love it. It's fast and virtually maintenance free. However after about 4 months and LOTS of use (I'm talking 6-7 hours a day, 5 days a week running) I started getting substrate jam errors (86:01) even though there wasn't any! After trial and error I figured out that the rod the printhead carriage slides on needed to be lubricated. The substrate jams were caused by friction along the rod. Problem solved, so I thought. About a month later it started happening again and no amount of lube fixed it. It would make a hideous sound while initializing like it was scraping across something with lots of force as it moved, then the 86:01 substrate jam error would appear and I had to shut the machine down and try to start it again... same problem over and over. After more trial and error I found that there's also an UPPER rod that the carraige slides on that's out of sight when looking down at the platen. After lubing this rod the machine has been fine. Hope this helps you in the future!