Geez, regardless of what MANY might think or entertain...the Sign Business IS A PROFESSION, and as such should be treated like one. Unfortunately, any Joe Schmucatelli can call themselves a sign maker, unlike the fact that one cannot simply call themselves a plumber, electrician, lawyer or engineer. I'll be the first one to admit that I stumbled into the sign business with no formal training, just an earnest interest that quickly grew into a passion and THEN a BUSINESS.
I, for one, have become a staunch advocate of training and really wish that this industry still had widespread apprenticeships and actually formal schooling and subsequent credential-proving requirements. I have half-a-mind to begin lobbeying for some form of these credentials to be mandated locally. Now, I'm generally NOT one for government intervention, but I feel this would greatly HELP an industry that has been plagued by those entering it with zero skill, education, plan, realism, experience or talent.
So, if you must continue down this path, please do so with a sense of respect for those that have come before you and take heed of the plethora of suggestions freely given to you.