Robert Armerding
Listen Sharp
With four decades of experience in the sign shop industry, I am now launching a new free service to independent sign shop owners/managers, anywhere in the United States. This free service has several different features. First, just to have someone to talk with about your sign business. Someone who will listen, ask quality questions, explore options, develop synergy to find a solution. Second, my favorite is to help sign shop people become expert listeners. So many take their listening skills for granted. Yet, when you deliberately become an expert listener, everything works better and faster. Third, I want to team up with you to make videos, voice-over, interview-style videos. Kind of like my being a radio host. Videos about your favorite signs projects, your talented team, or video reviews about your loyal B2B clients. Fourth, I am an expert on how to get the most from your own Google My Business listing. There is so much that can be done. I invite you to use the link in my signature to book a session with me.
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