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New tunes from Nickelback

Locals Find!

New Member
Again you either love'em or hate'em. :thumb:

Funny how a band gets so many haters when they are big. They outsell almost everyone album after album after album. Yep this is the kind of guy that needs to be fired. Lets go get ourselves a sh*tty manager that will help us sell less. Actually they know more about good business then most of us here. They learned it the hard way and are quite successful at it. :popcorn:

I don't hate the band. I hate the songs. The songs suck. Sounded like really bad country rock to me. They could have done better.

If the manager is failing to keep them from putting out garbage it doesn't matter what he did in the past its time for some new blood.


New Member
I don't care for them, but won't join in on the hate. You like what you like. I will add this though, because it's funny as hell:

"A lot of people say Nickelback sucks. Well, no, Nickelback doesn't suck!"
-Chad Kroeger

That's a pretty solid argument right there.


New Member
Some more notable Canadian Bands for our American friends

Gordon Lightfoot (the reason I picked up a guitar in the first place)
The Guess Who
Tragically Hip
Neil Young
Matthew Good (best male vocalist in Canadian History)
April Wine
Matt Mays
Big Sugar (going to see them in November for the 8th time-front row)
Steppenwolf (most people don't know that one)
The Trews
Barenaked Ladies
Fred Eaglesmith
and many more

-I left Bryan Adams and Celin Dion off the list for a reason

Best album in the last two years has to be Brothers from The Black Keys
Can't Seem to get it out of my player. Although not from Canada.

Letterbox Mike

New Member
Again you either love'em or hate'em. :thumb:

Funny how a band gets so many haters when they are big. They outsell almost everyone album after album after album. Yep this is the kind of guy that needs to be fired. Lets go get ourselves a sh*tty manager that will help us sell less. Actually they know more about good business then most of us here. They learned it the hard way and are quite successful at it. :popcorn:

It's not about hating on them because they got "big". Props to them for making millions, they get the business end of it and they're capitalizing on it. From a pure music standpoint, lost of bands like this hit it big and then never grow or expand as musicians because they're afraid of losing that paycheck. Can't say I blame them, but don't blame the "haters" because they're sick of recycled overcommercialized "new rock" that all sounds the same. People buy it because they don't expand their horizons into other areas beyond what the commercial radio stations tell them to listen to. The masses have no idea there is more music out there beyond what they're force-fed.

It doesn't have to be this way though. Look at Pearl Jam. Arguably one of the biggest and most successful bands of all times. Success on a level 99% of other bands (including he Nicklebacks and Metallicas that are seemingly "mega-bands") out there don't even know exists. Every one of their albums sounds different. They show growth. They show experimentation and talent. They don't sound like they're written following a recipe for record sales. The vast majority of their music isn't even played on the radio because of this. And yet, they sell out massive arenas night after night to dedicated die-hard fans who know the lyrics to every song even before the album is ever sold. The sell more records than most artists could ever fathom.

My point is sooner or later the record industry is going to wake up and realize that fostering true talent and selling records aren't mutually exclusive. For every Nickleback there are a thousand musicians who are exponentially more talented and creative, making far better music, but for now they'll never see the light of day because of the almightly dollar.

My point is, regardless of whether you like bands like Nickleback, people should seek out music that's not played on the corporate radio stations. It's enormously enlightening.


New Member
Very listenable.

Love their guitar tones, and vocals as usual.
The problem is: "as usual".

Success makes it very easy to pigeonhole yourself, the drive to keep your audience must be HUGE, but I'm sure they didn't get there by not taking risks, they now need to take more...just my .02

signguy 55

New Member
Hate the band, I remember about a year ago I stumbled on a website that had two of their singles overlayered with each other. Was virtually the same song rehashed.

I don't care for the raunchy lyrics, but that's just me. I feel for bands that are stuck playing at a Holiday Inn on weekends that could play circles around this junk.


New Member
It's not that i dont think they're not talented, but when I hear Nickle Back ... I think of.

3 days Grace
3 doors down
Puddle of Mud
12 Stones.

they all sound exactly the same............and... it's gross

Deaton Design

New Member
I like em. Like the new songs too. The lead singer has a distinctive voice and uses it well. I think they are a great band.:)


New Member
Hate the band, I remember about a year ago I stumbled on a website that had two of their singles overlayered with each other. Was virtually the same song rehashed.

I don't care for the raunchy lyrics, but that's just me. I feel for bands that are stuck playing at a Holiday Inn on weekends that could play circles around this junk.

Here's a youtube vid of it....


They use the EXACT same song structure for nearly all of their songs. I'm not hating because they're big. I have close friends in big bands. This band just plain sucks! They don't have any talent.


New Member
Nickelbag sucks!!
There, I said it. Call me a Hater if you want.

Re-ashed rock-by-number jingles by corporate whores makes me want to vomit!

Nickelbag, :U Rock:... ABSOLUTELY NOT!


New Member

I was only joking about the guy pic.

I can't even be sure I've ever even heard them unless they're on the radio all day long.

GEEZ, I think you might regret even mentioning the band. They were easier on you when they thought you were CheapVehicleWrap! Even Stacy's not with you on this!

I'm thinking of starting a band called Penny Back.


New Member
Did you watch the video?

Find 2 ACDC songs and put them together like that.... :popcorn:

Who hasn't seen the comparison and so what. Most any band has a style and it is used over and over again...except as was stated Pearl Jam. lol :banghead:

"I'm sick to death of people saying we've made 11 albums that sounds exactly the same, in fact, we've made 12 albums that sound exactly the same." -Angus Young :rock-n-roll:

Anyway each to their own. :)


New Member
Nuff said


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