Hi to all of you who provide such a great info.
As the title said I`m newbie and need help to decide if sign making business is for me
I want to start making signs for trucks and trailers. I mean those signs on side of the trucks that are showing Company name, US DOT numbers etc nothing special as design work etc. Also bigger signs for the trailers - dry van.
What kind of machine will do the job for me?
I have seen on some truck signs that are printed full color on some kind of thin base like soft plastic - what equipment is needed to produce this kind of sign? It looks really good and I believe it is much easier to install it.
Thanks for your time and help!
As the title said I`m newbie and need help to decide if sign making business is for me
I want to start making signs for trucks and trailers. I mean those signs on side of the trucks that are showing Company name, US DOT numbers etc nothing special as design work etc. Also bigger signs for the trailers - dry van.
What kind of machine will do the job for me?
I have seen on some truck signs that are printed full color on some kind of thin base like soft plastic - what equipment is needed to produce this kind of sign? It looks really good and I believe it is much easier to install it.
Thanks for your time and help!