• I want to thank all the members that have upgraded your accounts. I truly appreciate your support of the site monetarily. Supporting the site keeps this site up and running as a lot of work daily goes on behind the scenes. Click to Support Signs101 ...

NFIB is a bunch of harrasing jackals.


Art! Hot and fresh.
I swear to all that is unholy, If I get another phone call today or this week (usually 2 a day) asking for a 'donation' to NFIB I will send them elephant poop. http://www.poopsenders.com/

Not only do they not want to send me any sort of paperwork on what they are asking a donation for so I can take it to the accountant for taxes (skeezy in my book) but when I tell them they can mail me something I get "that is not in my capability" so I bite ... 'how about you fax me' "sorry, I can't do that either" '... alright ... e-mail then ... I will gladly take an e-mailed form' "sorry, we don't have e-mail here" .... and that is when I lost it. I mean WHO THE **** DOESN'T HAVE E-MAIL NOW ADAYS ... EVERY GOD DAMNED MOTHER **** NOT FOR PROFIT HAS E-MAIL ... IT'S PRACTICALLY FREE FOR **** SAKE. Voice of small business my *** on a cracker! **** NFIB ... skeezy snakes.

And yet, I'm apparently the ***-hole for wanting a paper trail. If your phone reps tell me "so you can't just send us a check?" that means you are a bunch of scamming pieces of **** ... stay in your hole in D.C. since you don't do **** for **** sake on the local level and stay the **** out of my shop since your rep 6 months ago didn't even know we were 15 year members in your ****ty organization.

sar bossier

New Member
This sounds like a scam - have you googled this? SMELLS fishy - please donate just because, you don't need to know who/what/why??! SCAM ...


New Member
lmao. They run around here all the time asking to donate, and they'll put a plaque in our window. They will put our company in a list to show we support them as they lobby in Washington DC for us.


New Member
Its an underground political pac... Watchout.. They buying influence against you using your money.


New Member
Hey, if you want to donate sumthin to a legit organization....call me. I can atleast give you an email address.


New Member
I told them to never bother me again. And I don't need their help running my business. I've been doing it quite well on my own.


Art! Hot and fresh.
Well the NFIB as a whole is fine with me, if we had a retail store or internet store that shipped items regularly just being an NFIB member can get my a special rate with fedex (awesome right there since the only thing cheaper is the flat rate boxes from usps ... and you might ship odd shaped things.) they also have subsidized health care packages and other resources that are just quite nice and I'm more than willing to pay a measly $35 a year to have access to them even if I don't use them since someone else might ... this calling for donations crap without giving me paperwork crap needs to end though, or I will be happy to stop supporting them in the slightest. I mean, they give me paperwork on my membership, but not my donations. b.s. right there.

If I was going to start up a new company, I would sign up for BBB start up business services (bunch of resources for $50 overview on the latest b.s. for starting up) NFIB since they have a bunch of benies that would help with any start up and of course I would try to get in with a rotary ... or some other 'brunch and networking' type of thing. good stuff all the way around and completely worth my time.


New Member
Well the NFIB as a whole is fine with me, if we had a retail store or internet store that shipped items regularly just being an NFIB member can get my a special rate with fedex (awesome right there since the only thing cheaper is the flat rate boxes from usps ... and you might ship odd shaped things.) QUOTE]

Have you checked with SGIA? I get a 35% discount as an SGIA member.


New Member
step 1 - hang up

calls again

step 2 - "sorry bad line here"

Repeat steps 1-2 as required until desired result is achieved.
Well the NFIB as a whole is fine with me, if we had a retail store or internet store that shipped items regularly just being an NFIB member can get my a special rate with fedex (awesome right there since the only thing cheaper is the flat rate boxes from usps ... and you might ship odd shaped things.) QUOTE]

Have you checked with SGIA? I get a 35% discount as an SGIA member.

The NFIB website claims re Fed/ex, "Up to 26%".
Members saved an average of $137 per year on shipping.

Less than $3 a week savings, off the published rates? Doesn't make me want to join NFIB.


Active Member
NFIB, BBB, Chamber....they are all nothing but a worthless POS and a waste of money. They dont use you and they dont "get you business" they are sold by sales poeple that could care less about after you join.


New Member
Another shop owner I know asked them point blank if he would still benefit whether he was a member or not. The fool on the other end said yes, so he told him he'd keep enjoying this free service. There was some stammering on the other end as he was hanging up the phone.


New Member
NFIB, Chamber of Commerce, Political parties, Unions, AARP: ALL THE SAME CRAP. "Join so we can stand united to fight big government". They are "BIG GOVERNMENT". All of them are dues collecting, self serving, self promoting leeches. Somehow at the end of the day they take home their big paychecks and sell us out in the name of reform. Never do we see "reform" in our favor. BAAAAA HUUUUM BUUUUG.