New Member
Coloradosigns, thanks a bunch, just placed my order, that is a great price and not often do you get FREE shipping!

Who's we?
the ones from absolutesci are 2" longer!!
Sweet thanks Adam! Just placed an order...and even got free shipping up in Canada eh!
That's a hell of a difference compared to $0.65 ea that we're paying now.
glad i could help pat. They're bigger and MUCH better. Good quality ordered them a few months ago when they were still around 90 + shipping. Still a Deal back then. Not even a quarter of the way through them, and i ordered these as well.
I have a turd in my pocket???
Ok, you get to stand 2" further back, not worth over twice the price to me! You use it and toss it, now if it were something like a screw driver, I could see the value.
Nice job guys, i just tried to get those swabs and it appears they are out of stock!!!!!!
Hopefully that deal will last.
i get mine from here. Not paying $30 for 50 swabs..ever...again...
i give our roland printers a manual cleaning every 1-2 months unless there is a printing problem or if i notice a lot of crap building up.
and we haven't had any problems other than normal maintenance
(replaced 2 capping staions, had the pump upgraded, had a service call for encoder strip cleaning, just because i didn't know how to do it then, that about it)
vp-540 about 6years old, xc-540 about a year old
should i get 1000 swabs also?
I just use regular cheapo q-tips from the dollar store and use them often. I don't get any fluff on the head from it. Shoot I haven't even changed a wiper in 2.5 years let alone a pump, head or capping station. It's amazing how long they keep on working if you keep them clean and calibrated.
Sweet thanks Adam! Just placed an order...and even got free shipping up in Canada eh!
That's a hell of a difference compared to $0.65 ea that we're paying now.
Whoaaa are you serious?? You buy a $20k+ printer and clean it that rarely?? Do you change the oil in your car once every year or two? It's basically the same thing. If you use your printer daily, you should be cleaning it a heckuva lot more than once every month or two! We manually clean our Roland at least a couple times a week. It always gets cleaned after a heavy print load... for instance after printing a wrap. The gunk around the heads and on the face of the wipers pretty much needs a cleaning after printing one wrap. By keeping the wipers clean, you also extend their life. You HAVE to keep those rubber gaskets on the caps clean in order to prevent them from drying out and losing their ability to create a vacuum seal.
Am I living on another planet?? Where do you get these super-wipers that you keep in for 2 years?? We clean the face of our wipers religiously with every manual cleaning... yet after a few weeks to a month, they are too permanently bent out of shape to do their job.
I wouldn't recommend cotton Qtips either. That's crazy talk.