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NY Yankees Baseball Logo


New Member
The shirts the little leagues use must be purchased through a licensed dealer, then you put the names and numbers on back, but i always wondered about the banners, I go to the ball parks around here and every team has a MLB logo on the banner?


New Member
I would like to know an honest answer, how many here have printed a little league banner with a MLB Logo on it?

Turned it down everytime. Just seems sketchy, those teams got a lot more money than I do, no way would I win in court.

I guess I should not have my 3 boys playing t-ball and little league until the organizers stop using the major league baseball names so my kids names aren't on the uniforms and banners of the wanna be NY Yankees without written consent.

Tissue? Stop being dramatic.


New Member
The little league teams have no rights to use the major league logos. Last spring a local town had been sued by the league for using the major league logos.They in turn had to come up with all new names for all the teams.They are cracking down hard.


New Member
Here's another wrinkle in things. I have for years been making School logos and sports logos for equipment sold to Pros, College, and high schools. This is always sold to the team that owns the logos for their own use so no big deal, until you get a high school wanting to use a university logo or mascot or a pro team's.

Here's how the NFL Feels about it:

Sidebar: From the Pros
Anyone familiar with high school athletics has seen numerous schools that share nicknames and even logos with teams from the National Football League. While most colleges and businesses have taken a hard stance against high schools bearing a likeness to their marks, the NFL takes a different approach.
"We have always supported football on all levels and do not have an issue with high schools or youth leagues using logos of NFL clubs," says Brian McCarthy, NFL Vice President of Corporate Communications. "Local youth programs using NFL team logos help promote the NFL and its clubs and also provide youth players a sense of being part of the NFL."
But that doesn't mean a school can simply slap a Patriots logo on its football helmet and call it a day. While the league doesn't have a problem with teams using the mark, schools still have to ask permission. "The NFL acts as the licensing arm and controls use of team logos," McCarthy says. "If a high school reached out to a team, a team would refer the high school to our office. Youth football programs, however, can use the logo without permission."

That's Taken from this article: http://www.athleticmanagement.com/2....php?referer=8df1b4d0a2bd1acaabf4a1d948059f13

That doesn't speak for MLB, but it wouldn't surprise me that their thoughts are similar.

Colleges and Universities are a different story as that article points out as well as this one: http://articles.mcall.com/2010-09-1...tech?referer=8df1b4d0a2bd1acaabf4a1d948059f13

Some are easy to work with and some are not. More good reading for you Seminole fans: http://rivals.yahoo.com/highschool/...-for-Seminoles-and-scho?urn=highschool-265495

Those teams own the rights to their logos without a doubt. How they feel about who is allowed to used them and at what levels of permission or agreements varies quite a lot.
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Active Member
ooooomg @ the 20th thread that starts with "where can i find this" and winds up being a copyright thread.

yankees stuff here
*use at your own risk.


New Member
I do some ball uniforms locally you can buy the licensed shirts and caps and add the name and number to the back (the shirts are always cheap quality and cost almost as much as a mesh jersey).

Any time a get a team wanting to use these a warn them up front I can not use the logo and such on the banners unless they want to get the permission from the major league team. I have yet to see a waiver come back with permission to do a banner.

Pat Whatley

New Member
I've gotten several official NFL logo use packs over the years for pee wee football. Kind of cool that they send you a graphics package....and a nice letter telling you what you can do with it and what they'll do to you if you use it any other way.


New Member
I've gotten several official NFL logo use packs over the years for pee wee football. Kind of cool that they send you a graphics package....and a nice letter telling you what you can do with it and what they'll do to you if you use it any other way.
Yeah I have a few of those types of letters, they have a way with words don't they?


Premium Subscriber
Okay, so how does this fit in ??
Major League Baseball is at it again. Apparently the $3.3 BILLION a year in revenue from selling licensed merchandise isn’t enough. Now they’re going after little league teams that use MLB team names. Not logos. Names:
Local youth baseball teams — and thousands of others across the country — can’t use those nicknames on their uniforms unless the jerseys are officially licensed.
For years, local leagues have understood they can’t use MLB logos on their uniforms without buying a licensed product or getting permission, but the use of team names hasn’t been as much of an issue.
But around Memorial Day, MLB stopped a dealer who had been sewing names like Cubs and White Sox on the jerseys of a Chicago youth league.
This is greed pure and simply. MLB absolutely has the power to create an arrangement where this isn’t an issue with their vendor. Besides – I can’t imagine the reaction of a judge when MLB tried to say a little league team couldn’t screen TIGERS in block letters on a little league uniform:
In Greensboro, Pella Stokes, an attorney, sponsors five youth teams of varying ages called the Tops Tigers. None use licensed jerseys.
“It had nothing to do with any … Major League team,” Stokes said of the name selection. “It just matched Tops.”
Stokes doesn’t believe MLB can trademark a name like Tigers.
“To argue that you could protect an animal name, I think they would have a difficult time,” said Stokes, who is in general practice. “It’s a fact of nature.”
The scary part is that 40% of little league teams already pay the extra money to buy licensed uniforms. Wow.
I wonder what the position of MLS would be. Again – you can’t use the logos. But the names? We absolutely have teams named the Galaxy, Dynamo, Revolution, etc. I would hope MLS would take a more sensible position. I may just email them to find out.


New Member
Okay, so how does this fit in ??
Just where you said, Greed!

If I put the word Tigers, Astros, Royals or anything Else on a t-shirt and wore it around that means I would be breaking the copyright laws? Maybe I just broke the laws for typing those names! Thanks goodness I can still edit this!


New Member
Just to bring this thread full circle. Thank you to those who instant messaged me with support and the logo...after all it is little league and the kids do dream about growing up and becoming professional baseball players while hitting they're off the tee. How do you like my banner now?


  • BaseballBannerYankees.jpg
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New Member
eh, the NY logo looks all sorts o' wonkey.

To continue an argument though, why Yankees?! Y'all are in California for crying out loud...
I don't hate little league, but why not go for something original?
Based on your local alone we could brainstorm.... The Faultlines, wildfires, deep fog, earthquakes, santa annas' uh.... soooo many concepts and names aren't sue-able.

p.s. go with a slightly darker grey in this setup, think it'd kind accentuate it


New Member
I just got off the phone with George Costanza, he told me to let you know everyone at the Yankees's organization is behind you knocking off the logo!!!


New Member
p.s. go with a slightly darker grey in this setup, think it'd kind accentuate it

Which version of grey do you prefer? Or do you think the more local team names would be more appropriate? LOL


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