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Oh Em Gee!

Kentucky Wraps

Kentucky Wraps
My graphic designer snapped this photo (sorry for the poor image quality) of a van nearby.
For the record...This didn't come out of my shop.


  • Badwrap.jpg
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Active Member
As long as the client was happy and the check cleared. Started with a client yesterday and was ready to "educate" him. Though about it and told myself nope. As long as he gets exactly what he wants he literally gives us a blank check and to call when its done.

I've grown quite fond of eating and having a roof over my head.


Profane and profane accessories.
And everything running downhill towards the rear is an... um... "interesting" effect, too.


Premium Subscriber
You guys shouldn't be so hard on yourselves. :omg:

That truck belongs to a member here who bought a cricutter, got his sign knowledge from all of you, then proceeded to do his own work and cut out the local sign guy. He wasn't a paying member, either.


New Member
Gypsies, we have tons of them that come through painting barns and buildings. They all want commercial script, that is how you can spot them a mile away. and listing a million things they do.

Craig Sjoquist

New Member
Franken ... Yes your most likely right phone is probably ringing & he most likely has got about all the work a 0ne or 2 person crew can handle most of the time, even though seeing that van you think low cost painter.

Now take the correct step in branding & ya get a larger crew if ya want, higher priced work & better customers, & all that comes with a more professional looking business That works on it's brand.

Now turning down work that looks like that book to read on the van, is also working on YOUR brand.

It goes both ways .. To you it is just a one sale, to them it means several sales when branding is done right.


New Member
Certainly nothing that rolls out of most of the shops here at S101 would resemble this guys van, I'm just saying vehicle advertising is so effective I'm pretty sure he's tapping on his local market. Truck side advertising really does work.