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Okay, what's it gonna take to..............................................

Like as is, or more sign content ??

  • Total voters


Premium Subscriber
....... get some real meat & potatoes going in this forum and I ain't talkin' meatloaf and mashed w/gravy.

Can we get back to R E A L sign discussions ??

Enough already about all the quick 'get arounds' and DIY projects. This is a sign forum and a professional one at that and it would be nice if there were sign discussions and questions.

This place is nothing more than a glorified mechanics shop for basement dwellers. We can do better than that.


Premium Subscriber
I think you can choose as many as you like, add some of your own or whatever. I'm not good at setting up polls. I think this is my first time doing it.


I'm here for Educational Purposes
Oh, you can. The first time I tried to vote, it seemed like choosing another option would cancel out the first choice. Nevermind.

Stacey K

I like making signs
I would like to see more real life layout or logo solutions vs. criticisms. Asking for layout advice gets much more personal than asking for installation advice. Maybe some kind of "blind post" where Gino or someone) posts the logo or layout for someone else and it's reviewed with positive solutions vs. some jerk saying, "Don't give up your day job, you suck".

I really, really enjoy seeing an unfinished layout or logo problem solved by this group. I like seeing everyone's different ideas but there's always some jerk that tells the OP not to give up their day job because they suck. Then we never get to see the final result :(


Arial - it's almost helvetica
I would like to see more real life layout or logo solutions vs. criticisms. Asking for layout advice gets much more personal than asking for installation advice. Maybe some kind of "blind post" where Gino or someone) posts the logo or layout for someone else and it's reviewed with positive solutions vs. some jerk saying, "Don't give up your day job, you suck".

I really, really enjoy seeing an unfinished layout or logo problem solved by this group. I like seeing everyone's different ideas but there's always some jerk that tells the OP not to give up their day job because they suck. Then we never get to see the final result :(
I like seeing layouts. It'd be great if we could do that and just keep the criticisms personal rather then pick apart the layout.


No comment
I learned a long time ago (not from this forum) posting logo designs on the internet is a bad idea for a couple of reasons. I've had to make some pretty ugly designs for customers that I wouldn't brag about.

I made one that I was cringing about the whole time, but the customer sure loved it. So much so that he had to post it on a forum. Whew, that was brutal!

In general, I feel like when you post something like that many people feel they must find things to be critical about so you can see how smart they are.

Obviously that's just me though. I see lots of other people do it and I'm always impressed they are braver than me.


Premium Subscriber
I wasn't referring to actually posting up a picture of a layout or any particular customer's designs, but more how to appraoch some of the things, such as negative space, left/right spacing, color combinations that work or don't work, viewing distance(s), when to insert this or that and when not to, how to utilize type styles to their fullest and why some seem more acceptable for some industries and others to other industries. Maybe we could have exercise classes and not with a stationary bike or dumbbells..... we already have them. Like mentioned a project maybe of the week, cause not everyone is constantly around and might need some time to get back to things here & there.


Active Member
Yea, it seems like 90% of the posts are printer/software or how to do something cheaper.
you don't like doing something cheaper? i protest

and microsoft works full time to f**k up windows 10, so you can't be surprised by those questions


I'm here for Educational Purposes
I wasn't referring to actually posting up a picture of a layout or any particular customer's designs, but more how to appraoch some of the things, such as negative space, left/right spacing, color combinations that work or don't work, viewing distance(s), when to insert this or that and when not to, how to utilize type styles to their fullest and why some seem more acceptable for some industries and others to other industries. Maybe we could have exercise classes and not with a stationary bike or dumbbells..... we already have them. Like mentioned a project maybe of the week, cause not everyone is constantly around and might need some time to get back to things here & there.
I could see showing a basic beginning layout - like with filler content, and some elements without showing anything specific. I always have to start somewhere, so I just throw things down on the canvas and move things around until it pleases me, then I convert it to actual content. The group can offer feedback on how the elements are laid out, and how shapes interact... colors/contrast etc.


New Member
Maybe try something like some of the sign magazines used to do where someone posts a hypothetical sign project, and then everyone can post how they would handle the job covering things like material selection, quotation process, design, production, and installation. So basically a start to finish description of how they would do the job with some design examples.


Arial - it's almost helvetica
this thing is still making noise, can someone help me like ASAP! Maybe it's the tacos I had for lunch. Is anyone here a doctor? I can't work with all of this squeaking