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Robert Armerding

Listen Sharp
As you rate your own listening skills if you rate them an 8 or higher, then I invite you to subscribe to my "Listen Sharp" daily emails.
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New Member
A lot of times I feel like I listen good but I cant say the same for the people I talk to, feels like I am talking to a wall. How do I get them to listen? I guess I will have to recommend them to You! But again they wont listen!!!!

Robert Armerding

Listen Sharp
A lot of times I feel like I listen good but I cant say the same for the people I talk to, feels like I am talking to a wall. How do I get them to listen? I guess I will have to recommend them to You! But again they wont listen!!!!
highrolling24 As you say, "feels like I am talking to a wall." The more you keep your listening skills sharp, the more you are able to help others keep their own listening skills sharp.


Premium Subscriber
highrolling24 As you say, "feels like I am talking to a wall." The more you keep your listening skills sharp, the more you are able to help others keep their own listening skills sharp.

C'mon robert.... if highroll is listening and the others are trying to listen, who's doing the talking ?? You said earlier in a thread that you are not trying to hone discussion or communications skills. You as much said, that's up to me. So, if everyone in the room is listening..... who's talking ?? Is this the old question if a bear f@rts in the forest and no one is around to hear it, who's listening to know it ever happened ??

Teach at whatever level you can muster up, but make some frickin' sense somewhere.

I've been reading this stuff for now darn near 3 or 4 years and I haven't seen or heard jack to listen to. And yes, I did read some of your e-mails. How does reading affect your ears ?? I usually hear a high shrill buzzing or my fan running when I'm reading.


Very Active Signmaker
I hear my wife in the background... going oooooon and ooooon and oooooon about her day. I pretend to listen because if I said what I really think, "please shut up I don't care about any of this." I would have a very lonely night and have a WHOLE LOT to listen her about the next day. That's real listening advise that people can use... and that was free. The next one is gonna cost yall


I'm here for Educational Purposes
I hear my wife in the background... going oooooon and ooooon and oooooon about her day. I pretend to listen because if I said what I really think, "please shut up I don't care about any of this." I would have a very lonely night and have a WHOLE LOT to listen her about the next day. That's real listening advise that people can use... and that was free. The next one is gonna cost yall
Funny thing is I can interrupt my own thinking process when I was listening to my thoughts in my own head. Distraction will always play a big part in listening. Without distractions I think it's easy to listen to anything. I try to pay attention to the main thoughts and the rise and fall of certain speakers. If the speaker just drones on I'll turn off. A good listener is going to have to think deeply about what's being said and if the speaker is a poor speaker the listener will be lost. No way can you listen without interjecting questions to better understand if you are truly in sync. A good speaker will need to look at body language, eyes and information in order to keep the listeners attention. As I see it it's a two way street. I haven't looked into your morning sessions and don't really intend to, but I I do believe you have a peculiar way of telling people to listen when you aren't listening to them.

DL Signs

Never go against the family
I've been playing drums for 60 years, all I ever hear is a phone that's constantly ringing... Will someone please answer it?


Arial - it's almost helvetica
Funny thing is I can interrupt my own thinking process when I was listening to my thoughts in my own head. Distraction will always play a big part in listening. Without distractions I think it's easy to listen to anything. I try to pay attention to the main thoughts and the rise and fall of certain speakers. If the speaker just drones on I'll turn off. A good listener is going to have to think deeply about what's being said and if the speaker is a poor speaker the listener will be lost. No way can you listen without interjecting questions to better understand if you are truly in sync. A good speaker will need to look at body language, eyes and information in order to keep the listeners attention. As I see it it's a two way street. I haven't looked into your morning sessions and don't really intend to, but I I do believe you have a peculiar way of telling people to listen when you aren't listening to them.
I am always thinking and get mad when people interrupt the conversation that I have going on in my head. True story
Hoho, but do you answer yourself or just go on ignoring the other people in that conversation? Are you truly listening? I take it these are imaginary little people in your head.


Very Active Signmaker
I don't get that "but do you answer yourself?????" thing. If I'm thinking about a question or problem and come up with an answer, isn't that answering yourself?? I'm I crazy?


I'm here for Educational Purposes
Answering yourself - in your head - is appropriate. It's when you have that conversation "in your head" out loud... that's when the men with the white coat come after you.