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Online Backup


New Member
I have finally "bit", and purchased an "online backup" service thru my internet provider. What I saved was most all of my sign files, "my favorites" & email. That amounted to approximately 14 gig of storage. To upload this amound of storage took me 6 days with my DSL line.

Who else is using this type of service & has anyone ever had any problems? WHO ARE YOU USING???

fyi....I'm paying $7.99 a month....which, when added to my "PACKAGE" actually gave me a $10 a month discount (a nice surprise), saving me $2.01. A "No Brainer" to sign up for their package deal.


New Member
Does that mean that if your computer crashes it will take 6 days to reload it?

An external hard drive is only about $70.

John L

New Member
I use "Second Copy" for scheduled backups and a USB external hard drive. Cheap and saved me lots of trouble.


New Member
No online backup for me, for the exact reason of the time issue . . .

I have 2 redundant backup drives now, 1.5TB each, takes a few hours to back up hundreds of Gigs !

and even less time to restore files . . .


New Member
Local is Second Copy and internal drive.
Also Second Copy to external drive for offsite backup.
Ghost for drive images once a week.

Online is JungleDisk and Amazon S3. Which is uber inexpensive and automatic.

Using an ISP I'd be more worried about:
1) Data security
2) Data availability

I use the web based storage as last resort only.

Also I assume your D/L is MUCH faster than your U/L speed.


New Member
We have too much data to store online, and are currently using removable hard drives. We're looking into other options now though. Any ideas?


New Member
Does that mean that if your computer crashes it will take 6 days to reload it?
An external hard drive is only about $70.

As Trackers said, to download is much much faster than to upload....so to retreive my info won't take nearly that long. PLUS, I don't have to download everything, but can download the one file I may need to keep working.

As for an external hard drive.....yep, have that too. I just wanted a secondary (I guess 3rd) source to protect my data.

You have to remember, this work is our lives.....or a good part of it anyways, so we plan for the worst possible scenerio. What if you had a fire, and that external hard drive was sitting right next to that melted lump you use to call a tower?

Carbonite. $40.00 a year.

I checked carbonite.com, its $56 a year.....still when you think of it, this service is costing me nothing.

The best part.......I can sleep just a little bit better at night.......PRICELESS!!!


New Member
We looked into some off-site online backup programs before, but in the end found it to be too expensive and not feasible due to the time required. Given very slow internet connect speeds at our location, and that any online backup service we looked into required a FULL backup each time, it would take weeks to backup the 350+ GB of files from each of our two offices (a total of 700+ GB to back up each time!) Because of this and the cost that would be involved, we've just stuck with external hard drive storage. We have redundant RAID arrays in the main file server, and also perform a full backup of files onto an external drive each day.

To act as a form of 'off-site' data security, each night the external hard drive after being backed up is taken off site to a fire safe, and a second external hard drive is installed for the next day's backup, then swapped again vice versa. This way, if a natural disaster were to affect the office, the data would still be safe off site.

However, as a side note, we did set up for an online off-site backup plan with Quickbooks as it was a special promotion thrown in with our upgrade and only had to pay half of each year while the other half is free with our upgrades. The upload times seem to be pretty slow. Again, that must be due to our internet speed.


New Member
I built a computer to specifically be a server. I downloaded the Windows Homer server free 120 day trial and love it. It automatically backs up all the computers in the house every night between 12am and 6am. My other half has a home based business also, and we both have laptops, so it backs up 5 computers everynight. My free trial is about to expire so it's time to send the $99 and get the full version.
It's also very nice in that I can access my home computers from anywhere through the server (password protected of course)