It would seem redundant, as a search at signs 101 (or other forums - sign/design/manufacturers FAQ's) would garner most everything relevant. However, I image there could be a revenue stream for the inevitable advertising associated with a public forum.
To assure accuracy on any given topic an editor would have to be assigned..defeating the wiki concept and the desired efficiency. To be able to simply erase and re-load with whatever BS someone may come up with seems...dubious , to me. I prefer the threaded dialogue so all opinions can be voiced and seen by others.
I was listening to an interesting radio show today about this guy who took it upon himself to be a constant editor at Wikipedia on the topic of Hillary Clinton.( yes, hes a Democrat supporter)...anyway it's a never-ending job (unpaid) for him. He claims to only "replace" untruths and to be un-biased.
Imagine a wiki on application fluid???
Good luck...Ken