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New Member
Hi all;

I'm having an overlap issue on my Canon Colorado M5W machine at the office.

Example, today I do a test print of 3 tiles for my 110cm wide media. My order is w 315 h 260 cm and I divided each panel into 104cm under the onyx Tile tab. My overlap margin is 10mm. I used a 2px cutting marker under the Marks tab. When sending the media to the printer, I selected the "110cm Enhanced" option and ROBUST was selected as the AAC option. I calibrated the media before printing. I also performed Carrige Calibration on the printer and then printed my order.
Now, when I cut the panels at the Tile Marks and placed them side by side, they still did not weld. I have an overlap problem.

Here I add some pictures about the pipeline.

Our media: m1jpg
onyx ver: 22.00.2449
placement set + selected media: m2jpg
tile overlap nd marks set : m3jpg
overlap problem: m4jpg ( you can see the overlap problem)
cutting marks: m5jpg (When I cut from the cutting marks, there is no weld two panels.)

Order Height measurement is 260 cm. but when I measure the panels, the first panel is 206.03cm, the second panel is 206.2cm and the last panel is 260cm. In other words, the lengths of the panels are not equal to each other and are getting shorter.
I guess that's why the panels don't weld together.
Do you think this is the problem, how can I solve it?
Thank you everyone in advance.


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victor bogdanov

Active Member
I tile in illustrator. If you ever need to reprint a panel you have a pdf file of the panel.

I have looked at tiling in onyx but feel safer with illustrator as I know exactly how everything will be paneled

Mike Perth

New Member
Hey M5 Guy, it’s an Onyx issue and NOT related to the Colorado. We run a 1650 + a Summa F series and have always had this same problem.
There’s a known Onyx issue with wallpaper tiling relating to the last panel. As in your photo the LHS of your last drop is trimming off the wrong bleed. Don’t bother contacting Onyx, they’ve known about this issue for years and it’s still not fixed. They’ll suggest you upgrade to 22.5, don’t bother as the bug is in this version too.
Work around: Say your wallpaper in 3600 mm wide, set your document up at 3650 mm wide, maybe leave the last 50 mm white. In the tiling in Onyx set up your tiles at 1200 mm wide. Now you’ll have a print file with 3 x wide panels of 1200 and the last panel is at 50 mm wide. Just deselect the 4th tile prior to printing and print the 3 x 1200 panels, it’s a total PITA as the tile maps then needs editing.
Also you don't need to print any trim marks (why do you need them?) at all apart from the barcode and dots required by the FB cutter. The more marks and labels you print the more likely you’ll have issues with length etc.
Set up a Quickset for your wallpapers turning off all marks (except Cutter ones), you’ll only need 10 - 20 mm overlap, select “Trim Overlap” in finishing and away you go. Drop your print file into the QS, once it’s ripped go into Onyx and adjust the tile width as required, re rip, deselect the last 50 mm tile and you should be good to go. If you need labels I’d suggest you add them to the base of the wallpapers drops when you set the print file up.
Good luck

Hi Onyx crew, I know you’ll read this..... if you have finally fixed this issue please DM me and we can edit the above.


New Member
I tile in illustrator. If you ever need to reprint a panel you have a pdf file of the panel.

I have looked at tiling in onyx but feel safer with illustrator as I know exactly how everything will be paneled
We have everyday 200m2 order. so, this proccess will be hard for me at every seperate order.
Thanks for reply : )

I am not sure which version of onyx you have. I have an older version that has an option check box for weld or overlap? Might that help?
im using 22.00.2449
i saw weld overlap chackbox and used it but not solved.
Thanks for reply sir = )

I contacted Onyx team and they suggested the different mirror method, but that didn't solve my problem either. and if I remove the side (AAC) guide marks, barcode, etc., the canon leaves the lines of the long print head on the media. Even if I calibrate the media, it doesn't fix it. but you right about this
Okay, i will try the method you suggested.

It is sad to expect primitive methods from users instead of solving the problem.
Thanks all sir.


I hope fix tile problem at Thrive 2024 v.
Otherwise this problem is reason enough to switch to the caldera or similar...
Last edited:

Mike Perth

New Member
It is easy once you learn and set up templates in AI. I do 6 rolls daily this way.

It is as easy as clicking export artboards in AI once everything is set up.

You can go back in 6 months and reprint any panel exactly how it was on the original print
That’s a good work flow for you however we need to work in Photoshop. We’ve not ever had issues reprinting tiles either. Also we shouldn’t even be having this conversation if Onyx sorted out this issue.

Mike Perth

New Member
Looks like you’ll have to call Onyx, surely they have a wallpaper workflow document they can send you?
I’ve attached the settings we use.


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New Member
Mr Mike;
I contacted them (thrive support) and they sent me ( one week ago) the attached document about my problem. I tried to apply what is written in this document but overlap failed again. Or I couldn't do it, I don't know.
Can anyone who is interested in this topic please review this document

Now I will check the option you have shown (trim overlap) and take the test and share the result.


  • Tiling-Workflow.pdf
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