how would i be able to print 6 jobs at once so that the each job has its own cut frame?
I dont want that the cut frame is 15m long if it can be 2,5m long.
If i select in onyx "print as separated jobs", than im having troubles with takeup-system, because printer stops after job is printed, and starts new job as fresh print - so printer roll vinyl few cm forward and then backward, meanwhile takeup system roll the vinyl, and when printer tries to roll backward, takeup-system wont let it, and i get a 30cm gap between frames...
so, any ideas?
how would i be able to print 6 jobs at once so that the each job has its own cut frame?
I dont want that the cut frame is 15m long if it can be 2,5m long.
If i select in onyx "print as separated jobs", than im having troubles with takeup-system, because printer stops after job is printed, and starts new job as fresh print - so printer roll vinyl few cm forward and then backward, meanwhile takeup system roll the vinyl, and when printer tries to roll backward, takeup-system wont let it, and i get a 30cm gap between frames...
so, any ideas?