It doesn't tell you it changed it.
But what you do is select color picker and hilight it, and it should be changed to the. Value that you have it setup to change to.
Again, it only works on specific profiles that you setup the match to, that's why it's called "print mode" so even changing something such as passes for a media will make it not switch
which is annoying. I get that every media is a slightly different white... But I wish it was ripwide.
If you change it for 180 profile then you load ij40 and tell onyx it's ij40, it won't make the change unless you have it changed in ij40 as well.
It's one of the main reasons we load 90% of what we do under 1 material vs actually loading it under the correct profile.
And there may be a way to do it onyx wide vs profile, I was just getting into color correction and workflow setting up when I got promoted and put in a different role... I still use onyx daily at home, but never in a need to color match perfectly role, so it's not part of my workflow
I still setup the work printer everytime we do a color mat h though, and doing it this way has allowed us to have consistant color for all our clients.
And if there's ever a shift in color due to new heads, or aging heads, or latex heads.... ... All you need to do is go back and change the pantone replacement value, and all your customer files are back to perfection.
Have 2 printers? Match pantone and replace on both.... And the same filles will come out perfectly on both printers.
it's a much, much better way to do color correcting then using color replaced and saving the profile imo. It allows you to ensure certain pantones are consistant across machines - and if you need to color match a pantone for a picky client, and "good enough" isn't good enough.. you can look in your list and see if you have a "perfect" match yet. Most people use a handful of pantones, so once you get a few dozen setup you'll do a lot less color corrections / matches.
I may play with it more now and see if there's a way to do it for the whole printer.... Sure would be nice!
I've been stuck in meetings / seminars all day, tomorrow too. On Friday I'll have time to play with it and see if there's a better way.