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Our new billboard.


New Member
Nice, I'd rather see a website these days than a phone number but good otherwise. At least it's an easy number :).

Craig Sjoquist

New Member
Typical look for for someone that does not do billboards or advertising...WHY... your eye goes all over the place, each area is important which one do you look at ??
I do hope you sell some work with this so next time you can create a much better advertisement, yes it gets a average comment, ..good job.. but a failure for the quality work I've seen you do.


New Member
Typical look for for someone that does not do billboards or advertising...WHY... your eye goes all over the place, each area is important which one do you look at ??
I do hope you sell some work with this so next time you can create a much better advertisement, yes it gets a average comment, ..good job.. but a failure for the quality work I've seen you do.

Are you kidding? It's simple and bold. I think it gets the message across just fine.


New Member
I agree with Craig.
A billboard needs to be easily read, and like I said, this one reads oddly.
Not a knock, just an opinion.


New Member
well, it looks like we are torn on this as being really good or not so good. so lets break this down. to me, it works because you can't help but look at it as the car is crashing thru the board. it gets your attention. because that element is so strong and most of your viewing time will be spent on looking at that, I think the simple message works because it answers the who-what-why without a lot of needless info to clutter up the message. it has an impact to get you to notice it and pay attention, then tells you why you would want to do a wrap-to increase sales- and who to contact to get a wrap done.


New Member
well, it looks like we are torn on this as being really good or not so good. so lets break this down. to me, it works because you can't help but look at it as the car is crashing thru the board. it gets your attention. because that element is so strong and most of your viewing time will be spent on looking at that, I think the simple message works because it answers the who-what-why without a lot of needless info to clutter up the message. it has an impact to get you to notice it and pay attention, then tells you why you would want to do a wrap-to increase sales- and who to contact to get a wrap done.

pretty much what i was thinking

sfr table hockey

New Member
Very interesting how a person like myself, who is still new to the design and layout side of things, can look at this billboard and see a great looking billboard. Then read the comments by some of you guys who have been doing this for years and really learn something on how to take a real good looking layout and make it even better.


New Member
Here's realllly shoddy mock-up
(I am not computer guru)
to try and illustrate what I meant.


  • Graphic1.jpg
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New Member
I like it better with the car on the left. first there's the car-bang-got my attention then I read the copy. by putting the car on the right it felt backwards as I still looked at the car first, then had to go backwards to read the copy. it made the copy seems less simple and harder to read. (but that's just me living in the land of no billboards at all!)

I really love these kinds of threads as it is interesting to see such different views on the same design and the why behind those views.


New Member
love the comments. the car is on the left, because that is the side the traffic is on. wanted it to look like the car was breaking out into the flow of traffic.


New Member
Sorry Jill, but I think yours looks more cluttered. The starburst takes up the space near the logo. I was always told to give a logo some breathing room. In fact many graphic standards manuals for logos have a safe zone or no encroachment zone surrounding a logo so that the focus is not taken away and to prevent any design elements from looking like they are part of the logo. Also your layout uses too many fonts

I did not see anything wrong with Pro's layout

MY 2cents

Biker Scout

New Member
In the land of giant advertising, anything out of the ordinary will grab attention. With a Billboard you have 3 seconds to grab the readers attention AND get them your message.

Here we have a visually interesting break in the road side static... your peripheral vision picks up something out of the ordinary. As an adult driver, you have trained yourself to notice things like cars coming down the wrong side of the road, or pulling out of bushes into on coming traffic. Your eye will be immediately drawn to the billboard.

Secondly, he has repetition... 888-4-Pro-Wraps + ProWraps Vehicle Graphics + Professional Vehicle Wraps

Even of you were driving by at 80mph at that location, your brain will register wraps of some kind. Your subconscious can make out the distinction between a wrap at McDonalds and a Vehicle Wrap because of the visual tie-in of a car.

This billboard is a win no matter how you dissect it. Sure, it might not have the best flow, but given the size of the billboard he had to work with he went beyond those boundaries and made sure to repeat his message 3 times. Very crucial in long term memory and recall.

Personally, I don't like the starburst... it's lame and played out. But since it's another visual break from the rectangle and sticks off the edge, it works just fine.

I give a 5 CornDog Rating! :thumb:



New Member
From a wannabe like me:

I think the overall concept is a great one. What I don't like is that all the copy blends together. They are pretty much the same size and the color red is everywhere.

So what stands out beside the car? "Increase Sales". I would have tried a dark background behind the phone number and the tag line "professional vehicle wraps" as well. Just to give it structure.

But, then again, read the sig. :Big Laugh


New Member
Here's my idea. Not flashy, but you know what it's about in an instant.

First pic is the original. Second is simplified.


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