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Panhandler or Sign Spinner


Premium Subscriber
I recently talked about this, but I believe it was in the NHB section. I don't believe in this action, although there might be a true and honest down-on-their-luck story out there sometimes, but are we not all stereotyping here ??

I think this might just get moved in to the NHB section soon, if the conversation keeps going the way it is.


New Member
I would flash my $1 bill and say "this is yours, if you can make me laugh... 1 minute, GO!"

...needless to say, they're not very funny.

that's great!
if i'd have said THAT to the guy on the freeway ramp, and all he did was spin his sign...
i'd have cracked up and giving him $20

Edit: oh, i take that back... he'd have had to lose that sour puss... i'd want a smile and a thank you.

Craig Sjoquist

New Member

Gees people they do that cause they are lazy and people give them what ever.


Churches provide alot as others they should only help them find work and ways to help them do for them selfs.....food give aways etc just puts them in a trap going from place to place to get food standing on the corner help me help me poor me poor ol me booo hooo.... lol see it all the time most just do it because people are a sucker for help me homeless.


New Member
there is a couple, she's in a wheelchair with no legs, and they live in a van, and they are in the same spot all the time as well. They are homeless, they do need the money, and they don't have anything.


we have a local guy who panhandles....who has NO ARMS!!! just these little fingerette things.

After I gave him a 5 spot...I was reminded by my wife that these folks who are missing limbs are intitled to social security and don't need to work.

Now...she may not be COMPLETELY correct (so don't jump on her case)...but this poor sod can't even wipe his own backside. Now THAT would suck!

I used to feel badly for these so-called 'homeless folks' who I see all over the place with their hands out...but this is a 'Life Choice'! They yell "nice car" and give me the thumbs-up when I drove my hot-rod panel truck around.
Well...NOBODY GAVE ME THIS TRUCK! I worked my ass off for it.
You like it?? You want one too??? Get out there and get to work, and you can have one too!!! Heck...you can have just about anything you want if you're willing to work for it.

John L

New Member
Some of them are real folks. Theres an old guy in dowtown DC I always give a few bucks or more to when I see him. Actually I hit him with some cup holder change this evening. I know he is drinking it up but that's cool, I've also seen him bedding down under a bridge nearby his handout-hangout.

I feel for him tonite. If I was outdoors in this freggin weather, I'd appreciate some cheap hooch too.


New Member
This brings back memories of rat boy. About seven years ago, I use to buy my pet food at a local reptile store. There was a woman at the store most of the time who worked the cash register and on many days, her kids were there in the store with her.

Her oldest boy, perhaps eleven or twelve at the time, would always beg me for a dollar since I had given him one once before. Well on this one day, I had finished picking out a nice fresh live pinkie mouse. These are newborn mouse pups in the pink, no hair or fuzz on them yet, to feed one of my smaller snakes. As I was standing at the register to pay for it, rat boy approaches me and says, hey dude, give me a dollar. I hesitated a moment and said...I'll do you one better. I'll give you a twenty dollar bill but you have to earn it. Grinning ear to ear all excited he asked what do I have to do? I said, see this pinkie mouse? Yeah he said? All you have to do is eat him live, right now.

He looked at his mother with these big can I mom huh, can I, look in his eyes? She looked at him, then at me, shrugged and said do it if you want. I slapped a $20 on the counter and handed him the mouse. Damned if he didn't pick it up, put it in him mouth and start chewing. I checked and sure enough, he swallowed the whole damn thing. I gave him is money, his mother just looked at me and shook her head. He was a handful according to her and she wasn't at all surprised.

A deals a deal, and thus rat boy became legend. I'm sure he will go far in life because he's willing to earn his money!


New Member

we have a local guy who panhandles....who has NO ARMS!!! just these little fingerette things.

After I gave him a 5 spot...I was reminded by my wife that these folks who are missing limbs are intitled to social security and don't need to work.

So where would that social security check be getting mailed to for those people that are living in their van?

You can't say that anyone getting social security doesn't need to work. It doesn't take but one life tragedy to get yourself into a situation you can pay for the rest of your life for. Try having a health problem with no health insurance. You can rack up a bill that will take you a lifetime to repay, or if on social security, you will never be able to repay it all.

I'm sure there are some people running that scam, but these people are well known locally, and they are broke, they don't have anything, and they live one hell of a hard life. I seriously doubt she wakes up in the morning and says "I can't wait to push my wheelchair to the corner and sit in the rain all day today, while it's 34 degrees, because I really don't need the money".


Oils and Vinyls
I seen a guy next to the "Wendys" holding a sign
"Homeless And hungry Please help"
I roll down my window and offer him my lunch I just bought from Wendy's 10 seconds ago, bag still rolled up and everything. he refused, must not be that hungry.

no cash for them to go buy booze with.


Premium Subscriber
This brings back memories of rat boy. About seven years ago, I use to buy my pet food at a local reptile store. There was a woman at the store most of the time who worked the cash register and on many days, her kids were there in the store with her.

Her oldest boy, perhaps eleven or twelve at the time, would always beg me for a dollar since I had given him one once before. Well on this one day, I had finished picking out a nice fresh live pinkie mouse. These are newborn mouse pups in the pink, no hair or fuzz on them yet, to feed one of my smaller snakes. As I was standing at the register to pay for it, rat boy approaches me and says, hey dude, give me a dollar. I hesitated a moment and said...I'll do you one better. I'll give you a twenty dollar bill but you have to earn it. Grinning ear to ear all excited he asked what do I have to do? I said, see this pinkie mouse? Yeah he said? All you have to do is eat him live, right now.

He looked at his mother with these big can I mom huh, can I, look in his eyes? She looked at him, then at me, shrugged and said do it if you want. I slapped a $20 on the counter and handed him the mouse. Damned if he didn't pick it up, put it in him mouth and start chewing. I checked and sure enough, he swallowed the whole damn thing. I gave him is money, his mother just looked at me and shook her head. He was a handful according to her and she wasn't at all surprised.

A deals a deal, and thus rat boy became legend. I'm sure he will go far in life because he's willing to earn his money!

I think Mushputz is originally from the Florida area................. :blondie:


Active Member
I contribute to our food bank, several children's charities, at church, toys for tots etc....so I have no guilt when I pass a "begger" by. But I have been touched, or maybe sucked in, a few times and that's OK too.
Now people on unemployment that would rather collect than take a job is another story.


New Member
Some "homeless" folks do quite well. One guy called into a talk show and said he pulled in about 40g a year. His wife had a good paying job and wasn't happy with the way he made his living and eventually his conscious got the best of him and he went back to work.

Many are hurting though but empowering them to live that way isn't helping them, it's enabling them. There is work out there, maybe not a lot of good jobs but if you want to work, you can.

If someone is too deranged to work, they should be in an institution. Or maybe politics.


New Member
this is the reason I feed feral cats. they are what they look like they are, they have no Ipods, don't make more than I do an hour and appreciate the food left out for them. when dealing with humans in need, I give to Salvation Army as they deal with families in need and I would think the money would go for things other than drugs or booze.

I had finished picking out a nice fresh live pinkie mouse. These are newborn mouse pups in the pink, no hair or fuzz on them yet, to feed one of my smaller snakes.

I think I won't sleep OK for days just thinking about that. I have raised by hand orphaned field mice and could never do harm to them. had I been in the store that day, ratboy would have been wearing his balls as a hat when I finished with him!


Premium Subscriber
this is the reason i feed feral cats. They are what they look like they are, they have no ipods, don't make more than i do an hour and appreciate the food left out for them. When dealing with humans in need, i give to salvation army as they deal with families in need and i would think the money would go for things other than drugs or booze.
i think i won't sleep ok for days just thinking about that. I have raised by hand orphaned field mice and could never do harm to them. had i been in the store that day, ratboy would have been wearing his balls as a hat when i finished with him!

:ROFLMAO: I like that................ :thumb:


New Member
By now I suspect rat boy is probably locked up somewhere for who knows what possible crimes. He was a wild child and his mama didn't seem to take no matter. Or...he could get himself a reality tv show like Man versus Wild and survive out in the wild eating dead animal carcasses like Bear Grylls does. He seems to get paid real well for his survival skills.


New Member
Rat boy with his balls hanging from his hat...


  • ratboy.jpg
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New Member
GG of course it's true. It's amazing what some people will do if all you do is ask...
Now i'm wishing i put this in NBH or After Hours... may get my hand slapped by Fred or this thread moved but.....

ok so the kid IS psyco, but THAT mother should have been shot!
we maybe be carnivores but we aren't snakes... we're not made to eat live creatures that wiggle, squirm and scratch. that kid could have had serious problems from doing that.

it's not like eating a live gold fish... which is also gross but not dangerous
(but pisses me off because it usually some kind of dare and not out of hunger)

and even though i LOVE dogs... i don't think badly of cultures that eat them

hell... if you were starving and i was about to kick the bucket... you'd be welcome to have ME for dinner (but not while i'm still wiggling and squirming)

i'm just saying... there's something seriously wrong with a mother who would let her kid do that for any price!!!

don't worry Fred... i'm not gonna eat my pony
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New Member
One visit to Zephyrhills and you might soon understand that it's different in the south. Lots of trailers and inbreeding. There are different classes of people down here. Some are just plain frightful.