We are currently gearing up (stoopid f*cking slowly) to move to squarecoil.
I've been following Signs101 long enough the know it has taken some shops a very long time to research and maybe adopt an order management solution. The most basic reason is the software buyer is not familiar enough with some basic database fundamentals and the software vendors not helping their potential buyers enough with those most basics.
Case in point; I just looked at SquareCoil's screenshots from their website. I will call out their list of materials as found in their estimating module as an example. Notice many of the material description / names begin with measurement values such as "1/8", etc. That naming convention fails to logically sort the materials by their names or description.
A fundamental process of any database is a routine along the lines of "find, list, sort." A user enters data into a certain blank field to find what they're looking for, the database finds any and all matching queries, then sorts the list in a logical manner such as alphabetically, etc. The demos of SquareCoil, SignTracker, ShopVOX, and probably others fail that simple task because they're playing fast and loose with leaving naming conventions for the end user to figure out.
In order to quickly setup a new software solution, it should be strongly recommended for users to first get their ducks in a row by organizing their current data such as the material list with their costs and specifications and product list with their components and prices ready to import into the new software. A spreadsheet (likely long) of each will quickly reveal organized data, or not, and missing data, if any. It is far too cumbersome to attempt entering so much individual sign shop data into most current solutions and especially web-based views. Importing from well formatted spreadsheets makes it much easier.
It's very common for sign shop to list nearly a thousand materials and hundreds of named products. (Some software vendors use the term "templates" as what are normally products so as far as sign making is concerned.) Understand many materials and products are just variations of their root making long lists more digestible.
A hint; Leave the measurement specification value of a material or product for the ending of the name and not the beginning.
Rough example...
SAV.Clear.Avery.1020 48"
SAV.Clear.Avery.1020 60"
SAV.Clear.Avery.2010 48"
SAV.Clear.Avery.2010 60"
SAV.White.3M.160C 48"
SAV.White.3M.160C 54"
SAV.White.3M.160C 60"
Another basic is; "One fact, one field." More later when I find some time.