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PDF file with lines broken apart


Re-Creation Signs / I Sell Stickers
Ok I will try to explain my problem. I was sent a plat of a huge shopping center in a vector .pdf. My project is to colorize it. When I open it, all the lines are broken apart so I can't fill the areas. I need to join all the lines back. There are thousands of lines that need to be combined/welded. I am a CorelDraw user but only thing I can figure out to do in Corel is weld each line. I tried the new fill tool but there are so many splits, it doesn't work either. I have Illustrator CS3 and was wondering if their was an easy way of doing this.

I can send the file if someone needs to see it.

Thanks in advance.


New Member
I would say that the original file is a .dxf or .dwg from Autocad. You could ask for the original file but you would be in the same boat.

You can try rasterizing the image with a good resolution and live trace in Illy using the "Technical drawing" preset. Weird thing are going to happen, you will have to play with the setting.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that there not a whole lot you can do but clean up the drawing and join each path to close them.


New Member
This kind of thing happens a lot with PDF files - even those originally created in Illustrator. Often gradients are sliced into dozens of thin rectangles and lines of text are broken into 3 character pieces that cannot be easily put back together. It has to do with the way postscript language is rendered in PDF format.

Depending on how complex the drawing is, you could create a new layer on top, lock the layer below and just redraw it. Auto Trace is not particularly useful because it seems like you spend enough time cleaning up the paths it makes that you may as well have drawn the thing from scratch.


New Member
Like Sebastien says...it's a .dxf/.dwg....they're almost always supplied like this to me.

Best way I've found is to isolate it on it's own layer...draw in your blocks of colour on a new layer then put that layer behind the line drawing.

Forgot to mention have another copy of the line drawing on top of your colouring layer that you can toggle on and off now and again to get your bearings as you get lost in that maze...

Bill Modzel

New Member
There is an aftermarket plug in that joins these pcs of dxf files. It's not free though and unless you do it often, it may not be worth messing with.
I had a reconditioned box car and caboose to letter and had a very accurate dxf file that was supplied. The plug in did a great job of making all the lettering complete shapes rather than line segments.


Re-Creation Signs / I Sell Stickers

Thanks for all your suggestions. I am going to attach the file to show the complexity to show what I am working on. Re-drawing it would be a nightmare. Also does anyone have a good source for bushes and trees, landscaping graphics as I have to put these in as well.



  • Sales_Map_Whole_Site_4-28-09.pdf
    301.9 KB · Views: 200


New Member
I took a good look at the file and honestly, colouring that wouldn't be that difficult at all...it's actually made up of a lot of open paths in the first place...the broken segments are mainly on the curves..I've had and I'm sure others here have had a lot worse than that...

Just start working your way through it...


New Member
I find alot of times a re-draw/re-trace saves alot more time then fixing whats there.

Just a suggestion



New Member
Can you not select all the appropriate lines and then go to 'Arrange' then 'Close Path' ?


Re-Creation Signs / I Sell Stickers
Close path doesn't work. I am going to try my luck at it in Corel since I know it much better. Will give you a progress report if I still have all my hair when I finish. LOL


New Member
In Illy, select all and go to Object - Path - Outline stroke...
I'd remove all those goofy /////// behind some of the text, and move any of the text that overlaps any of the lines, and then weld everything together. Expand it, and there is your all black outline, ready to color.

*Edit* Make sure you go to File- Open the .pdf in Illustrator. If you place the document and flatten transparency, then you will have to get rid of the clipping masks which may be a pain
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