4R Graphics
New Member
Ok I have a problem anytime I try to do anything at full scale such as a van wrap photoshop runs like a turd especially applying filters. Heres the set up I have a 3.2 gig dual core system with 2 gigs of ram I have a scratch disc that is 80gigs and I tried to apply a filter and I got the filter ran out of available memory I have 1750megs assigned to photoshop thats as high as it will let me set it. I currentlly have my phtoshop and main C drive on seperate partitions of the same drive I assume thats why it runs SSLLOOWW at full scale but the scratch disc is a seperate drive all together so what the heck I am going to buy another 2 gigs of memory but this thing shouldnt be locking up and running as slow as it does. I mean I applied a gradient to a file that was 32 inches tall and 72 feet long the only thing I had done was apply the gradient and it took more than 20 minutes just to put the gradient in so what is the ideal set up for photoshop? I am thinking get another drive put photoshop on that drive and make the rest of the drive the scratch disc and put in another 2 gigs of ram but what would you guys recommend besides get a new PC not duable right now.