Not only that.... he's been a member for over three years and can't do a simple election sign layout.![]()
Quite possibly my time is better spent other than design simple layouts for a catalogue of them that already exists. My house needs to be cleaned also ... but at $10/hour I'll have someone else do it because it is cheaper than me doing it Not because I can't do it. Make sense fella? If you must know I can probably out vector most of you so it's not that I can't do it - it's not worth my time to do it. Again - narrow-minded thinking for someone who is supposed to be an expert in this forum. In fact when I do cemetery end dates carved in granite I often have to recreate the existing fonts to match....but then again I get a few hundred bucks for doing it.
It's a matter of economics and best use of time...perhaps you would have a more profitable sign shop if you stopped doing the things others can do cheaper and concentrate on the things that make you more money. It's an old concept-you should try it! Especially if you are designing election signs from scratch just because you know how to do it. My time is more valuable than that especially if simple election sign templates can be had for a few dollars.
And at close to 18,000 posts it amazes me you have time to make signs at all.
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