How much would you be on these?
I'm at $630 and I'm thinking that's high? I marked the post up 50% and between assembling the frame, manufacturing the sign and driving out 20 minutes to the location to install I'm up to $630. Add tax and it's just over $700.
I'll take a different angle on this. If after marking up your product cost + shop time + installation + travel etc. your price is $630 then you probably have the right price. Now assuming that from what I've read from the others that your price is too high then 1) you are servicing the wrong market 2) they are underselling their services.
Sounds like #1 is the culprit. Not because you are wrong, because as I see it you have done your homework with pricing it's just that your customers don't want to pay you what you can do the job for. It happens. I gave up on the real estate market years ago because I couldn't compete with realtor pricing expectations.
Another sign guy once told me jokingly that whenever he got calls from customers that wanted jobs done on the cheap he would give them the phone number of his competition. The logic being that he would keep his competition working on low margins while he chased the higher margin customers. Perhaps he'd even put his competition out of business. It's insidious and nasty but makes sense.