Did you try swabbing w/ solvent all around the head and carriage? Maybe a piece of lint or hair dangling?
Had the same problem one time.
Turned out it was a stalactite of ink on the print head.
Clean the printer.
So this is not an indication of a other problem? Just a manual cleaning is in order? Thank you everyone - appreciate your time.
You should clean it at least once a week, especially on a low use machine.
A manual clean once a week???
A manual clean once a week???
I would think your test print would be really bad if you clean it 2 or 3 times a year. I clean it every week, and since I have very ow use, I also clean it after every job.
Do you know what a manual clean is?
Yes I do - remove both covers, use swabs, etc. Just completed a few hours ago and so far so good.
Cool... What does your test print look like?
I 'll check it out.