Remember, this is meant as questions & comments and not a ‘Put Down’ to your tool.
• Do you expect to have the same amount of pressure being used on your tool as being applied to one piece squeegees ?? I doubt yours will accept the pressure needed in most cases.
• If this tool is going to be interchangeable, won’t things get all sticky and messed up while changing on the fly ??
• Will this really speed things up ??
• Are the extra tools going to rattle around inside, becoming annoying ??
• How long do you expect this tool to last before it wears out ??
• Will the tools I already have in the shop fit inside your tool or must I buy customized fitted tools to fit ??
• Do you really want this thing hanging around your neck ??
All kidding aside, let’s be practical…. if this thing costs more than $4.00… why would I pay for all the things I already have ?? As far as dropping things or cutting yourself, we run those risks already. This is nothing like inventing a television or anything else new. This is merely a combo of things like at McDonald’s… ‘Super Size’ this.

It worked for them and maybe it will for you. However, as I see more and more of it, I too think there’s too much jammed into a little package that will not be highly functional compared to the stand alone tools.
I’m sorry, but we carry a case with us and we have every possible tool you would need for ‘On-Site’ jobs. The case is very small and we have a check list right along side of where we keep it in the shop to make sure we have everything. After years of relying on ourselves, it was quite easy to make the check list and add to it if we come across something new. We have three of these kits, so we can have several directions going at one time if necessary.
And yes Rog, we even have wet method application fluids and removal fluids with it.
We also have check lists for our trucks.
The best idea so far was a small portable 4B for when you screw things up and you’re 27 miles from the shop.
Good Luck........