we have been having lots of problems as of late with the way our 180c has been coming in. rough cut edges and some contamination. the last roll we printed yesterday has stuff under the material between the backer and a tear. its been frustrating to say the least. in the last month we have literally sent 4-5 rolls back to our supplier.
3 of the rolls had a peice of blue marking tape sticking out half way through the roll which usually denotes a splice. this should never happen with digital media.
typically the boxes used to come banded and taped, the rolls were bagged with plastic end caps, and had three strips of 3M marked mask on the roll (yeah i know, thats how attentive we have had to become).
now when the delivery truck arrives, we open EVERY box of media in front of the driver and refuse anything that looks suspect.
we have taken this up with the vendor and 3M. of which the vendor has been completely attentive, and our 3M rep has only told the vendor to take back suspect rolls but could not provide an explanation.