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questions about head alignment mimaki jv3


New Member
its on another thread in the Mimaki forums, as well.
Replace the values... don't add to them.

I feel better now that I know I've been doing it the right way all along.

Thats what I thought!!! I have to do the same alignment on some other printer here, possibly the Edge, I cant remember but you put the new value in...you dont add both.


New Member
Head Bad

I think I have a bad head. The JV3 has 3 and supposedley two have been replaced and I have one old one sitting here. The Yellow Cyan head has different colored parts so I figure its the old one. The cyan is printing randon vert & horizontal stripes and the yellow is printing halos around everything. I know how to align the software in the printer but not so much about those screws. ?help?


New Member
its on another thread in the Mimaki forums, as well.
Replace the values... don't add to them.

I feel better now that I know I've been doing it the right way all along.

I've always replaced the values as well, works great. Don't know where the add/subtract meme started but it can't yield good results. I do a basic bi-directional print.adjust once a week (more under heavy production, and I pop into the "secret" maintenance mode once a year or so and do all the fine level adjustments) and it works a charm.


New Member
its on another thread in the Mimaki forums, as well.
Replace the values... don't add to them.

I feel better now that I know I've been doing it the right way all along.

Whew, I thought I'd been doing it wrong too.

You can always reprint the test after you've entered the settings to confirm they're correct.


New Member
I am new to the "PRINT ADJUST", so please bear with me. I understand making the adjustment based from the overlapping lines. I don't understand where the value is derived from. I think it is counted outward from the center most line in each pattern? So, an overlapping line that is 5 lines from the center line to the + side would be given a value of +5?


New Member
[print adjust]

I have a problem though. I have gone through the steps for the 7 patterns and saw no change in registration. I then repeated the steps 6 times, each time I advanced the numbers as advised above. At the end of the 6th adjustment I compared the printout with the first printout and the marks are in exactly the same as the first print, there has been no change in registration even thought some pattern numbers are +30s and some are -20's. Am I missing something? The printer is in Very good shape.

4R Graphics

New Member
If I recall when you do a test print for adjustment it prints the bars then you look at the bars and input the numbers that the bars are aligned on if you print the test pattern again it DOES NOT move the alighned bars to the Zero position. So if you run the test print it will seem to be off but if you print an actual image you will see the difference in the overlap of colors in the image. Someone correct me if I am wrong but I do believe this is correct.


Active Member
Correct.... repeating the test print will NOT align the lines @ the zero mark.

The purpose of this head alignment procedure is to input the values necessary for correcting the physically misaligned print heads (happens... you'll never get them perfect).
It does this by first setting your leading head as the standard (K, in most cases)... and then you're aligning your channels 2-8 (_KMMCCYY in my case) to the 1st channel (K) via all the extra alignment procedures.

the only alignment procedure that updates when you tweak and reprint, is the "Fine" mode.
best of luck in wisconsin. I'd come do it for ya for a 100bux, gas, and a case of beer, if you like :)
even though my boss'd kill me for aiding the "competition".
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New Member
head alignment

THANKS for the input guys! This is very helpful. I expect my heads are way out of alignment at the moment since I readjusted them about 6 times before i decided the index marks would not move, LOL.

100 buck & a case-o-beer eh, I will run it past the boss, LOL. Thnx again for the help.


New Member
Okay, for all who read this i'll let you in on a little secret. Whoever came up with the silly idea of adding values to your current values is wrong. When you print y si, y bi, y re, etc. whatever.....you replace the values. period. If you add then you will be over compensating and it will screw you up. Also, when you start with your mechanical adjustments...slant, stagger....your digital alignments (those that ask for a value)....will be closer to the value "0" upon printing if your mechanical alignments are close. It is when you have to select values way out on the edge of the alignment prints that show your mechanical ones are off. All alignments....and i mean ALL ALIGNMENTS are based first on mechanical, then digital. Also, if you ever engage in printing a mechanical alignment know that you have to redo your digital ones.....it erases them. I know bc i do this everyday.

Banners Plus

New Member
I need to adjust the slant on two of my heads that were taken out and put back in. So what screw manually adjust this? Thier maintenace guide tells you how to do the print but not actually adjust it!?


New Member
hello everybody. i am using a mimaki jv3-160s. i have replaced one of my print head. i did the cleaning and washing. when i run the test cleaning, that articular head is not showing anithing. seems like i should enter the head id. but i don t know how to enter it. can someone guide me? thaks


New Member
I have to aligned my print heads for JV3 160S too

True, the manual stinks. just gives you basic troubleshooting and not very descriptive.

I have never adjusted any screws or slant. I have put in many printheads and have left these alone, just do #adjust and you should be fine. remember, you need to do all machine modes. ie.: Normal,Variable,etc.

If you need a guide for adjusting your alignment I can send you one. Let me know

jdigital, Is it possible to have a guide for adjusting the alignement?