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Rapidtac vs Rapidtac II


Not a newbie
I've been using rapidtac for over 10 years now. I've just found out there is a rapidtac II version. I've made some research and did not found a real good information on what is the difference with the original version. Does the extra money worth it? In what kind of situation the newer version would be better than the original?


White Haus

Not a Newbie
I belive Rapid Tac II is better for glass or cold applications if I remember correctly. We have a jug sitting around and I seem to remember it actually setting up a bit faster on glass.

Nothing worse than sitting around waiting for Rapid Tac to set up so you can peel premask without taking the vinyl with it!

I definitely ran into that a lot during my early install years.


Active Member
Rapid Tac 2 is really smelly, so it can't really be used in an office or anywhere that is sensitive to smells, ask me how I know...

I understand it dries faster and works in the cold better


Not a newbie
I belive Rapid Tac II is better for glass or cold applications if I remember correctly. We have a jug sitting around and I seem to remember it actually setting up a bit faster on glass.

Nothing worse than sitting around waiting for Rapid Tac to set up so you can peel premask without taking the vinyl with it!

I definitely ran into that a lot during my early install years.

I use rapidtac almost exclusively for cut vinyl on windows. For me, it's the best way to avoid tiny bubbles. Right now, I only have to wait maybe 2-3 minutes before removing the premask. If the version II is indeed faster to dry, maybe it would worth it to give it a try. The cold feature is not a major factor since I almost only use it indoor.

Rapid Tac 2 is really smelly, so it can't really be used in an office or anywhere that is sensitive to smells, ask me how I know...

I understand it dries faster and works in the cold better

By smelly, what do you mean? Like alchool smell? The original version have like a sweet candy smell. Nothing too much. I use this mainly in offices spaces, so if it's something that could bother the client it could be a problem.


Active Member
I use rapidtac almost exclusively for cut vinyl on windows. For me, it's the best way to avoid tiny bubbles. Right now, I only have to wait maybe 2-3 minutes before removing the premask. If the version II is indeed faster to dry, maybe it would worth it to give it a try. The cold feature is not a major factor since I almost only use it indoor.

By smelly, what do you mean? Like alchool smell? The original version have like a sweet candy smell. Nothing too much. I use this mainly in offices spaces, so if it's something that could bother the client it could be a problem.

I can;t remember exactly what it smelled like, but we did a frosting job in a university and I had every cubicle worker bee complaining about the smell, it's not like regular rapid tac which smells like vanilla and people actually like, it's more of a chemical smell.

White Haus

Not a Newbie
I can;t remember exactly what it smelled like, but we did a frosting job in a university and I had every cubicle worker bee complaining about the smell, it's not like regular rapid tac which smells like vanilla and people actually like, it's more of a chemical smell.

Yeah it's more like an ammonia smell....if I remember correctly. Definitely not delicious smelling like regular rapid tac lol.


Arial - it's almost helvetica
Smells like texas cooter. I only use rapid tac because of the smell, you totally forget that you are actually inhaling chemicals. No soap/water mix can do that.


Active Member
2 is supposed to be better for cold weather. It's all we use now, easier than stocking two versions. We don't use a ton of it anyhow, most installs are dry. Smell never bothered me and I don't think it would be any more objectionable than most glass cleaners. Some people are just whiners.


Not a newbie
Yeah it's more like an ammonia smell....if I remember correctly. Definitely not delicious smelling like regular rapid tac lol.

I'll stick with the original version then since it work for me for the last 10+ years. Thanks for the information.


New Member
RapidTac II for cold weather, yes it sets up faster.... almost too fast, for fair weather/indoor applications.
Not a fan of trying to use it for all installs, but we stock it alongside the Original RapidTac & our in-house soap&water fluid.