Geneva Olson
Expert Storyteller
does your graphic arts program have one? we use the one in coreldraw.
wtf - that's a QR code?Joining the zombie hoard, I'm curious how something like this one gets generated, aside from AI as an answer. Is the idea to make the qr code as simple as feasible, then sketch around it and keep the contrast high enough to still function? This one was exceptionally impressive, as the water flowed and the rest of the scene was animated.
Wow, that IS impressive. Next level QR stuff!Joining the zombie hoard, I'm curious how something like this one gets generated, aside from AI as an answer. Is the idea to make the qr code as simple as feasible, then sketch around it and keep the contrast high enough to still function? This one was exceptionally impressive, as the water flowed and the rest of the scene was animated.
Yeah, I about spit my beer all over the screen the first time it came on, I figured it was old hat by now. Here's the commercial in - that's a QR code?
I've been using As long as you have it make a static QR, (No tracking and responding - that costs money and must be renewed after time.) It just directs one to a website. It should work forever as long as the same website exists.I've recently been (almost) running into issues with trustworthy QR code generators. Who do you use/trust for generating QR codes? I do NOT want to use one that is a forwarding QR code, that goes through a 3rd party website, just simple QR codes that take you to your destination.
QR codes are not website dependent unless tracking is enabled. Always use a decoder to verify the data stored in your QR code. It should only be the info you added and nothing else.I've been using As long as you have it make a static QR, (No tracking and responding - that costs money and must be renewed after time.) It just directs one to a website. It should work forever as long as the same website exists.