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Ritrama for wrapping anyone?


New Member
We are would appreciate any comments from users of Ritrama vinyls. The have both cast and calendared wrapping vinyls. Both good and bad comments welcome. Their pricing seems good - if the products perform well. Apparently, they are made in USA.

Many thanks.


New Member
We are would appreciate any comments from users of Ritrama vinyls. The have both cast and calendared wrapping vinyls. Both good and bad comments welcome. Their pricing seems good - if the products perform well. Apparently, they are made in USA.

Many thanks.

Loring studios wrapped his car in the ostrich print. He said he loves it.


New Member
to Watson Signs

If you applied vinyl to polycarbonate (Lexan), you are asking for trouble. Especially if you used a liquid to apply it.

Polycarbonate is hygroscopic, i.e. it absorbs moisture. If you apply vinyl over poly that has been exposed to air for while, it will absorb moisture. When the sun hits it, it will turn to vapor and separate the vinyl from the surface. Avery and 3M and others have commented on this on their web sites. Problems generally start in the summer, when it is hot.

Most translucent sign paints allow the moisture to escape and don't have this problem.

Acrylic doesn't do this - it is not hygroscopic. If vinyl is applied to a poly pan face that has just been baked in a vacuum mold, the moisture is baked out and the vinyl will generally be fine. However, after being out a day or so, it re-absorbs moisture and then trouble begins.

Your experience probably was not due to a problem in the vinyl.


Active Member
If you applied vinyl to polycarbonate (Lexan), you are asking for trouble. Especially if you used a liquid to apply it.

Polycarbonate is hygroscopic, i.e. it absorbs moisture. If you apply vinyl over poly that has been exposed to air for while, it will absorb moisture. When the sun hits it, it will turn to vapor and separate the vinyl from the surface. Avery and 3M and others have commented on this on their web sites. Problems generally start in the summer, when it is hot.

Most translucent sign paints allow the moisture to escape and don't have this problem.

Acrylic doesn't do this - it is not hygroscopic. If vinyl is applied to a poly pan face that has just been baked in a vacuum mold, the moisture is baked out and the vinyl will generally be fine. However, after being out a day or so, it re-absorbs moisture and then trouble begins.

Your experience probably was not due to a problem in the vinyl.

Sorry not buying it, i've been applying translucent vinyl to polycarbonate with rapid tac for years, oddly enough the only issues i've had were with this 1 particular colour of blue from ritrama, most likely from the same batch.

Also, the vinyl was absolutely fine for the first 18 or so months, then within the space of a month it looked like the pics.

even the leftover yard of vinyl still in my shop has shrunk back on the liner a good 1/8", which i've never seen another cast vinyl do.


New Member
We used the black ostrich on a trailer and our Lexus. Installs really well and feels amazing. Can't say how it will be in 2 years cause we change ours yearly... But I got a good feeling from it. Keep in mind this is only the textured vinyl.. I've never touched thier other vinyls. ( prefer Oracal )


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Merchant Member
I have been selling their wrap kits with great results, half kits are $350 and include 54x75 of cast vinyl and lam.