New Member
Hi, I am getting started in the business of cutting vinyl. I have been using a Silhouette Sd machine to cut small stuff. But I recently bought a Mighty Press heat press to be able to do t-shirts. The heat press was a used one I purchased from an individual. The lady also threw in a Roland Camm1 PNC 960 cutter. I have been trying and trying to get it set up to cut. I downloaded a driver to be able to use it with my Windows XP laptop. I have tried and tried but I can't seem to get it going. I can get it to do a test cut but that is all. I have it connected with a parallel cable and a usb port on the other end. Can someone please tell me the correct way to set this up? I have set it to USB001 port. But still can't get it to cut. I have downloaded the Dr. Stika Plus program. I also have inkscape installed on the computer. Any help in getting this going would be so greatly appreciated. Thanks, Vickycarol