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New Member
Made ya look.
Anyway, I have been having my roof replaced for the past month.
I have needed a new roof for 20 years but have been in denial.
A customer came in during the spring (not a roofer but a contractor) first words out of his mouth were "God you need a new roof!"
So long story short I got him to do an estimate.
I wanted a metal roof because I really like the look of them.
And because everyone told me I couldn't afford one (I'm very stubborn)
So he gave me a good price, and I was able to get a loan.
They finished the roof yesterday, today they are starting on the soffit & fascia.
I will never have to paint or worry about anything above the level of a stepladder again.
This is truly a handcrafted roof, and the temps have been in the 90°s.
I am literally having a roofgasm, everyone loves the look of it.
People have even been asking my kids about it where they each work.
And when I did a bid the other day even the client asked about it.
Hopefully this guy will get more work out of it, too.


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New Member
Yay, roofies!!!
I agree, metal looks nice! Better get some snow stoppers out front though.

(i just googled "roofies". had no idea. not yay. still like your new roof.
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Premium Subscriber
Not only is a metal roof great for all the reasons you mentioned, but they sound so neat in the rain during a storm.


New Member
Well Jill did is sound neat like Gino said?

Looking good!

Take it easy on the roofies:Big Laugh

Bill Modzel

New Member
I have a standing seam metal roof on my house which is close to 100 years old now. It was galvanized and has been painted in the past but it still holds the rain out and sheds the snow.

Now if I could just afford a new membrane flat roof on my shop!

Jon Aston

New Member
plus, you can raise the prices...

I don't make a point of saying it often enough, but I like the way the Techman thinks.

People are noticing that new roof of yours, Jilly, and they don't need to know that you took out a loan to pay for it. It's sending a "Somebody is doing well" message, which you should be - because you make beautiful, effective signs... and everybody around there knows it.

Based on a combination of experience and gut instinct, I'm willing to bet you (Jill... and some, not all, of the rest of you) could raise by prices 10-20%, increase profits, and create 10-20% more time to work on your business (as opposed to working for it).

Are you up to the challenge?

Try gradually ratcheting up your pricing to reflect your new, prosperous "look". Just keep doing it a few percentage points at a time, every couple of weeks, for the next several months. Pay attention. When you notice yourself getting more resistance than usual, pay attention to who the complainers are, and assess what they are worth to your business today, and in terms of lifetime value (revenue and referrals). If they're not customers you need, ratchet it up (a little) again. Pay closer attention to the amount of resistance you are meeting with, and who is complaining. Know when to stop.

Caveat: Don't try this approach with customers who place repeat orders with any frequency. You'll just piss them off. There may be other exceptions too. Use your head (not your heart).


New Member
I've been raising my prices all along. After all, the costs of our materials has risen, and I like to think that my 25 years experience is worth something.
I send the whiners to the licky sticky types. I'm better off without them.
But Jon I like how you think, as always.

I bought my house in 1989, it was the first house I ever looked at and it was love at first sight. It was built in 1930. I am the third owner.
The only thing I feel slightly bad about is that I am going to eliminate the cool old roof brackets. They could be painted and scraped, but then they would need to be painted and scraped every few years.

The soffit/fascia already looks sooo nice. I am also getting new gutters, and he's wrapping my window frames etc with aluminum so the entire upper half should be maintenance free longer than I will be.

Have not heard the rain on the roof at night yet but that may because of Mr. Ambien.

Craig Sjoquist

New Member
Metal roofs are the best, when a bad storm comes you'll be safe, others will be jealous.
do I see a great place for a design on the back roof lol