While valid points I am not so delusional as to think what we are doing will have any impact whatsoever on the 3M juggernaut. I take pleasure in the fact that we are banding together, and making a stand against unethical business practices.
"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it". Albert Einstein
That's precisely my point. Cutting your sales off to 3M does absolutely nothing and for the most part we probably only represent a fraction of 1% of their sales... even with the Merritt's, Colorados, and other big guns here. So why not take this whole thing further and take it to where the masses can see this so you have an even larger backing and then watch the egg run off of 3M's face.
CAN make a difference, especially by creating a strong inner core and reaching out with stronger words and pictures as a united group and take it to ALL of the sign shops..... nation/worldwide.
It must go beyond the walls here of s101 and show everyone what we have found happening in our industry. It would/could bring in far more members as more and more start to see the validity of s101 and what we as a group can accomplish.
Not only can we hurt their image, but we can also alert all of the many customers getting crap rammed down their throats by their lousy choice of installers. Show the world what wrapping....
ahhh good wrapping can be. Not this sliced & diced cooking show they're handing out, but the real McCoy.
- Now, if we all belonged to the sign painter's gild union #947, we could really kick some serious butt.