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service call 0105?


New Member
tried searching the archives but couldn't find anything
anyone know what service call 0105 is?
got it on my vp540

J Hill Designs

New Member
tool carriage connection error

Service manual states:

Tool Carriage Connection Error

Machine fails to connect the Tool Carriage to the Head Carriage

Fault at Tool Carriage Connection
Loose of Connection Part
Fault of the Limit Position Initalize value
Limit Sensor does not work correctly or is broken

1) Check for mechanical Backlash or loose with the Tool Carriage Part
2) Lock position Adjustment
3) Limit Position and Cut Down Position Initalize
4) Limit Sensor Replacement



New Member
well i just took everything apart and cleaned and wiped any thing i could , checked for loose parts and all seems ok.
now it says scan motor error: 0080 0080

Jack Knight1979

New Member
I get that one too.

If you have a lot of hours on your scan motor you'll need to replace it.

I had to clean my encoder strip and the encoder sensor last time I got this and it took care of it.

Unplug the machine, remove the encoder sensor and clean it with alcohol.
Be cautious on the reinstall. If the sensor is touching the strip you'll kill the strip. Make sure you have plenty of clearance.

That should do the trick. If not, look into a new scan motor.

Mike F

New Member
For everyone's future reference, I've attached a handy dandy guide to Roland error codes. Not sure how up-to-date it is as far as newer machines but it should come in handy for someone.


  • inkjet_error_codes.pdf
    44.8 KB · Views: 2,559